You cheated on me!

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Aja: You can tell me, Marcus.
Marcus: I just don't know how to say this.
Aja: Just say. I won't be mad or whatever you think I'll be.
Marcus: You promise you won't tell anybody?
Aja: If you don't want to then I won't.
Marcus: Ok... I like you, Aja. From the first time I saw you with y/n I was like "who's this girl? She's cute thank God y/n brought her here" but a lot of ppl loves Martinus more than me and I didn't want to tell you and I don't know how will I be there without you.
Aja: I like you too Marcus.
Speaker: The plane for Slovenia will leave in 5 minutes. Please go on a plane.
Aja: I have to go. I'll miss you so much. And you can call me every day if you want.
Marcus: Ok. Have fun on your way.
Aja: Thank you.

*She leaves. Marcus is looking at her all the time. She puts her bag on the floor and runs to Marcus as fast as she can. She kisses him*

Aja: I promise I won't forget you. I'll be on youtube and Instagram all the time.

*She runs back on a plane*

Marcus: I- *sigh* She doesn't hear me.

*He goes back to others*

Nika: Did she leave?
Marcus: Yes. Her plane is here.
Y/n: Let's wave to her what are we waiting for?!

*You wave to her.*

Max: Come. Let's go eat something.
Justin: McDonald's?
Nika: Why not.

*You go eat. You come back home*

Martinus: Y/n?
Y/n: Yes?
Martinus: If you want you can sleep with us this night and we can go together to school tomorrow.
Y/n: Wait you want me to...
eMMa: Please y/n! You can sleep with Martinus😏
Y/n: Yeah I think I-
Martinus: Justin can come too.
Y/n: You sure?
Martinus: Why I wouldn't be?
Y/n: Well... Ok, we'll have a sleepover.
eMMa: Great!
Y/n: I just need to get my stuff.
Martinus: I can go with you.
Y/n: Ok.

*Martinus goes with you*

Martinus: So? Where will you sleep😏
Y/n: I don't know😏 Where do you want me to sleep😏
Martinus: Wherever you want😏
Y/n: What if I want to sleep in eMMa's room?😏
Martinus: Then I'll be sad a little bit😏
Y/n: And what if I'll say I'm going to sleep in your room?😏
Martinus: Then I'll be so happy😏
Y/n: And... *gets an idea* what if I'll say I'm going to sleep with Marcus?😏
Martinus: Y/N! THAT'S NOT COOL!
Y/n: *laughs* I'm just kidding! And I can sleep with you if this will mean a lot to you.
Martinus: Yes! I mean... I'm gonna take this as my award😏
Y/n: For what?😏
Martinus: For loving you to the end of my life *smiles* 😏
Y/n: Well after a few years, this award will laying with you every night to the end of your life *comes closer to him and smiles *😏
Martinus: Oh really? *smiles*😏
Y/n: Mhm😏 And this award needs to take her boyfriend back to his house because it's late😏
Martinus: Then her boyfriend will do just like his award said *smiles*😏

*some seconds of silence. Then you start laugh*

Y/n: Come on.  We have to go.
Martinus: As you say. *holds your hand and you go home*

Ann: It's dinner!

*Y'all go down to the kitchen*

Y/n: It smells great Ann!
Ann: Thank you y/n!
Justin: It's really good!
Ann: It's Marcus' favorite meal.
Y/n: Tacos?
eMMa: Yes he loves tacos so much.

*You look at Marcus because he's so quiet from when Aja leaves*

Y/n: Marcus are you alright?
Marcus: Yes I'm just... I'm not hungry. I'll go to sleep.
Kjell: Marcus.

*Marcus leaves*

Ann: What's wrong with him?
Martinus: He misses Aja. Nothing serious.
Kjell: I'll go take a look at him.

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