Twins or triplets? Boy or a girl?

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*You gave him a positive pregnancy test (clean of course) and a note:

Merry Christmas honey! I hope that was your wish for Christmas♡︎
With love, y/n♡︎

Martinus looks at you and starts starring into your eyes. You smile at him, but you're worried about what will he say. He starts running to you and hugs you so hard*

Martinus: I love you so much y/n! That's the best present I could ever wish for! *starts crying because of happiness*

*Everyone looks at you two*

eMMa: What?
Marcus: Y/n what did you give to him? He's never crying.
*looks at a present* G-guys take a look at this!

*everyone looks at you two*

Y/n: Suprise! *you're worried what they will say*
Nataly: *happy* I'll be a grandma again!
eMMa: I'll be an aunt!
Nika: Me too!
Nika & eMMa: Aaaaa! *so happy*
Marcus: Uncle Marcus. *proud* Not bad.
Aja: I'm so happy for you y/n! *hugs you* And for you too Martinus.
Martinus: Thank you.
Marcus: *To Martinus* So you're going to be a dad.
Martinus: Yes.
Marcus: I don't know what to say. Just congratulations!
Martinus: Thank you!
Justin: Congrats sis.
Y/n: Thank you, Justin.
Kjell: We have to celebrate this!
Everyone: Yess!

*You go celebrate*

Marcus: Attention here!

*everyone starts listening to him*

Marcus: First, I want to say congratulations to y/n and Martinus again.

*You two smile to him*

Marcus: And I also have news for you. Me and Aja *she stands up* are going to move into our own house here in Trofors!
Martinus: What? *happy and also sad*
Marcus: Now you'll need your privacy. But we won't be far from here. Just 5 minutes by walking. We found a big house where we'll live in.
Y/n: Well congrats then!
Ann: So much news this Christmas.
Liam: But good news!

*Everyone smiles at him*

Max: So let's celebrate all this!

*You go celebrate*
*skip celebrating*
*in the evening, when everyone leaves, you and Martinus are alone in your bedroom*

Martinus: I can't believe how much news in one day.
Y/n: Yeah me too.
Martinus: Are you alright y/n?
Y/n: Yes. Why?
Martinus: If you'll need anything just tell me. I'll bring everything that you'll need.
Y/n: Thank you, honey. I'm alright now.
Martinus: Ok. When did you find out about the baby?
Y/n: Yesterday. But I didn't want to tell you right at the time. I wanted this to be a present. Did you like it?
Martinus: Yes! I already told you that! I won't forget that present. Never. *puts his hand on your stomach*
Y/n: *smiles* Do you want to tell him anything?
Martinus: To who?
Y/n: A baby. They said it's good for a baby if you talk a lot to him.
Martinus: Em okay. *puts his head on your stomach* Hi there. It's your dad Martinus. How are you? I'm sure you're having a great time in here. You have to know that I'll love you the most in this world. As much as your mom. I can't wait to meet you. Or maybe there are more babies in here. Do you have any brothers or sisters with you?

*You starts laughing*

Martinus: Anyway, I don't care how many of you are in here, I'll love you all. I love you now. I don't know if you're a boy or a girl but you'll be such an awesome child. Or children. And when you will coming out, look that it won't hurt your mum too much.

*You starts smiling and a little bit crying*

Martinus: I love you. *Looks at you* Are you crying y/n?
Y/n: That was... That was so cute Martinus.
Martinus: Any time. *hugs you* You know what?
Y/n: What?
Martinus: I'm the happiest person in this world right now.
Y/n: Me too. *kisses him*
Martinus: Does it still hurt you?
Y/n: No. Why?
⚠️ʳᵉᵃᵈ ᵒⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵒʷⁿ ʳⁱˢᵏ⚠️
Martinus: I mean... Yesterday you said that we weren't over *slowly comes on a top of you*😏
Y/n: Yes 😏
Martinus: And what if we'll continue before these angels will come out😏
Y/n: And what if we'll start again?😏 *starts touching his t-shirt*
Martinus: If you want this, why not? 😏 *starts kissing you and you put off his shirt*

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