Babies on their way! Call Martinus!

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*After 7 months and half*

Martinus' pov

Me and Marcus are having a concert, here in Oslo. We live in a hotel these days, Aja spends a lot of time with y/n because me and Marcus don't have that much time. I'm so happy that Aja is taking care of her. It won't be long when our babies will come into this world. She's in 8 month and half what's pretty close. I can't be happier! And we also have a name for babies! I mean we need to have them. They will be Sara and Maya. We both like those. And Marcus and eMMa too. She really loves those names. And her best friend is Maya so she's so happy that we gave our child her name. So do I.

Marcus: Martinus we have to go to a concert.
Martinus: I'll just take my bag. *goes to Aja* Will you take care of y/n?
Aja: Don't worry. I will.
Martinus: Thanks. Ok Marcus we can go now. *looks at you* Bye honey.
Y/n: Bye. Good luck with the concert.
Martinus: Thank you.

*They leave. You go to prepare the tea*

Aja: Do you need help?
Y/n: No. I think I can prepare tea.
Aja: Ok. If you'll need anything you know where you can find me.
Y/n: Ok. Thank you.
Aja: I'll go to the bathroom. Oh, and eMMa will come soon.
Y/n: Ok.

*She goes to the bathroom. eMMa comes*

Y/n: Oh hi eMMa!
eMMa: Hi y/n! How are you?
Y/n: Fine thank you.
eMMa: Is Aja there?
Y/n: Yes she is. She's taking a bath. She'll be there soon.
eMMa: Ok. So how many months are you pregnant?
Y/n: 8 and half.
eMMa: Wow you're close.
Y/n: Yes.
eMMa: And still nobody doesn't know Martinus will have a child?
Y/n: Nope.
eMMa: How can you hide this?! I mean fans are around the house all the time and they don't know?
Y/n: That's right.
eMMa: Lucky you! My fans know that I'm with Justin. But why would I hide this? I mean I like being with Justin. And I don't care that they know.
Y/n: That's great. I'm sure you're very happy together.
eMMa: Yes we really are.
Y/n: Would you like a coffee or tea?
eMMa: A tea.
Y/n: Ok.

*Marcus and Martinus' conversation*

Marcus: Martinus are you ok? You look worried.
Martinus: No I'm alright.
Marcus: You sure? Because I think something is wrong.
Martinus: Ok yes I am worried. I mean y/n is so close to give birth to two angels and what if I won't be there? She won't have support.
Marcus: What are you talking about? Of course, you'll be with her when she'll give birth.
Martinus: I don't know. I have a bad feeling.
Marcus: Bad feeling? You can't have it! You'll be right next to her when she'll giving birth. And she has a half more month. So don't worry about it.
Martinus: You know you're right. *smiles to him* You can always make me feel better.
Marcus: Of course I do. I spent all my life with you. I know how to make you feel better. *smiles back*
Martinus: Ready for the concert?
Marcus: Oh yea!

*eMMa and y/n' s conversation*

eMMa: *you give her a tea* Thank you y/n. It's delicious!
Y/n: Thank you.

*Aja comes downstairs*

Aja: Oh hi eMMa!
eMMa: Hi Aja!
Aja: I didn't see you for a long time.
eMMa: Yeah me too.
Aja: Hey I'll be right back. I forgot something in my room.
eMMa: Ok we'll wait here.

*She leaves*

eMMa: So y/n how were you- *looks at you* Um y/n?
Y/n: Yes?
eMMa: Y-your water is draining.
Y/n: W-what?! *you take a look and it's true*
eMMa: *yells* Aja! Come here! Quickly!
Aja: *runs back to you* What's wrong?!
eMMa: Her water is draining!
Aja: We need to go to maternity hospital now!
eMMa: I'll help y/n in a car.
Aja: I'll take the keys.
eMMa: And I'll pack her bags.
Y/n: We don't have time!
Aja: Let's go! *helps you to the car*

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