It is a...

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Aelin sat on her bed, visibly bored. Rowan wouldn't let her attend the meetings except on the condition that she let him carry her there (which she instantly denied). It was just five months and he had turned into another level of Territorial Fae Bastard. So she sat there, telling Fleetfoot about the new member. The dog seemed to understand the news very well, nodding and grunting at just the right places.

Rowan came back after an hour, a silver tray with a bottle of wine and two tall glasses flying behind him. He sat beside Aelin, stroking the dog's head. He had grown close to it over the course of time and didn't mind it sleeping in their room now. The tray softly sat on the nearby chair and Rowan poured himself a glass.

"Hey, I am not supposed to drink that." She said as she saw Rowan take the second glass.

"I know." Rowan said and pulled out another smaller bottle which he had been hiding under his grey coat. He poured its content into the glass and gave it Aelin.

"Fresh fruit juice and syrup." He told Aelin as she looked at the glass with confusion.


She knew why Rowan needed some alcohol, so she let him have it.

After two hours, he and heavily pregnant Aelin stood at their balcony. She wore a loose gown and her hair were tied in a half bun.

"It is been two long years since we won the battle. It is been two long years since we lost our fiercest warriors. " Aelin started, her voice heavy but breaking. She looked down where all the people stood for giving tribute to their loved ones.

Dorian and Chaol were standing in front of the small band of Adarlanian soldiers. Yrene was with a couple of healers, already crying. Manon stood with five witches – two Blackbeaks and three Crochans. Not the Thirteen she had lived with but a group nonetheless. All were wearing plain clothes – a sign of sorrow and respect.

"It is time they know we remember them. We have not forgotten their noble sacrifice and we never will." Aelin said.

She looked to the other members of her court who too were at their balconies. Aedion's eyes were red and puffy. Aelin had seen him put flowers on Gavriel's grave. It is in the very middle of the Royal graveyard and has a huge lion carved out of stone on it. Aedion had sat there for minutes or even hours as the silent tears started rolling down.

He was now in the balcony with Lysandra, who was trying her best to comfort him. The tears had stopped but anyone who saw him would know they were there. Garen, their son, was sleeping peacefully inside.

Lorcan had taken Elide into a hug because she had started crying after seeing how many people lost their dear ones.

Fenrys was standing alone, his eyes shining with tears which were itching to fall down.

"We love you." Aelin said and shot a ball of fire towards the sky.

"We love you." They all repeated, and shot whatever magic they possessed towards the sky. Those who didn't have any magic, just held their hand out.

The witches gave a world-shaking cry to honor the dead and then Manon dropped to her knees, sobbing loudly. Something broke in her heart as Aelin saw the bravest queen she knew fall down and weep for her late Thirteen.


Rowan was about to leave when Aelin had stopped him. It was almost normal to him to leave during the healer's examinations but Aelin wanted him to be there for this session. He had no idea why.

Emma came in just a minute and bowed.

"Are you ready?" She asked Aelin. She nodded.

Ready for what? There was a big question mark on Rowan's face but Emma saw it and immediately answered, "Her Majesty has completed seven months of pregnancy. I can tell the baby's gender now."

Aelin and Lysandra had discussed about it quite a lot. Aelin thought knowing the gender before birth would be sort of bad but then Lysandra had pointed out that even if Aelin knew the gender she wasn't going to be biased, would she? Besides, it would give her more time for getting the baby clothes.

"So, shall we?" The healer asked kindly. Another nod from Aelin.

Emma's fingers burned with a white flame which she put around the clearly visible bump.

"It is a...It is a girl." She declared happily.

Aelin didn't know what to say and even Rowan's face was freezed in an expression of astonishment. They were going to have a daughter. Wow. 

Though I don't say it enough I really, really appreciate each of your votes and comments.


Memeismeme : )

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