Good News

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Emma couldn't help but blush as she saw the letter which a servant had brought to her an hour ago. This was the third time she was reading it.

It was from the Queen telling she had like Emma to continue looking after her pregnancy if Raphaela would permit it. She had even asked her to bring Charlie with her next time for some talk. Looks like Emma had made quite an impression on the Queen.

The only difficult part was to convince Raphaela to let her continue. The Head healer was a kind woman, always trying to help the healers grow and learn but overseeing the pregnancy of the Queen, well, that was a bit too much. Nonetheless, she knocked at her door. The old woman opened the door with a bright smile as she saw Emma nervously holding the letter in her had.

"What brings you here at this time, dear?" She asked, telling Emma to come inside and have a seat.

Raphaela quickly went to the kitchen, bringing a tea kettle and two cups in a tray.

"I... I got a letter from her Majesty." Emma stuttered a bit which made Raphaela raise an eyebrow.

"What is it dear? I am with you no matter what." She said kindly, giving her a cup of tea.

"No, no, no." Emma blurted out as she saw the worried look in her senior's eyes, "She just wants me to continue looking after her during her pregnancy."

She passed the letter across the small table. Raphaela unfolded the letter and read it. Her face was calculating.

"Good luck with that." She patted Emma on the back, "Besides I wanted to visit my son next month."

Emma looked a bit surprised but covered that well enough.

Aelin went to the bathroom again. This was her second time after the healer had left. Emma. The healer's name. Aelin felt a sort of connection with her. This wasn't new to her though. She had felt this towards another healer long ago and also a witch, so it was not that unusual. She had sent a letter to her the moment she had left.

Rowan didn't seem to mind the puking anymore. He just stood beside her everywhere. Literally everywhere.

"So, should we tell our friends?" Rowan asked, Aelin sitting on his lap.

"Where would the fun be in that. They might very well notice it themselves." Aelin lightly ruffled his silver hair, "I have got just the idea."

Aelin immediately got up and went to the dressing, returned in a set of her 'meeting' clothes.

"Call an urgent meeting." She told her mate.

"Just the Inner Circle?"

Aelin nodded.

In less than ten minutes, the entire Inner Circle was at the meeting room. Garen was playing with Lorcan's hair.

"Ouch! Go pull your father's hair." Lorcan barked as Garen tightly pulled his hair.


The commotion stopped. Aelin had arrived, sitting in the front chair, smiling. There was something wicked in her smile.

"So, is this just another moment of self-importance?" Fenrys sneered.

"No, we have important matters at hand that need to be discussed." Aelin said and began reading out the things she had scribbled down on the paper.

"The winter in the mountains has been harsher than ever. The habitants will be migrating southwards..." Aelin started and told about how they would have to make living arrangements for them at the foothills.

After about an hour of discussing such uninteresting matters, most of the members were yawning.

"I suppose that's all." Aelin ended the meeting with a half-smile. All of them gave a synchronized sigh before getting up.

"Wait. There's just one more thing left." Aelin called and they sat down again with a tired groan.

"I am pregnant." She said emphatically. Everyone began to smile but it soon faded as Aedion asked, "You're serious, right?"

"Of course, I am. Do you think Rowan would let me joke about such stuff?"

Aedion cast a glance at Rowan as if calculating the possibility of Rowan to allow such thing. Convinced that there was no way he had let her do this, Aedion hugged his cousin, "Then, I guess Congratulations is in order."

There were rounds and rounds of congratulations.

"Garen, you are going to have a little playing partner." Lysandra beamed at her child who was now in her arms. The boy didn't seem to understand that as he started crying.

"Don't tell me you had us sit for an hour for this?" Fenrys gave her a knowing smirk.

"Oh, I am sorry but you will have to sit for the same meeting tomorrow." Aelin said, sounding not at all sorry.

Lysandra and Elide were designing posters to be hung at the castle doors announcing this good news while  Aedion was dispatching letters to their friends, telling about Aelin's 'news'.

"I would have want Yrene to be the healer." Rowan said as he braided Aelin's silky hair. They had grown a lot. Aelin desperately needed a haircut.

"Hafiza's just two years. I wouldn't want her travelling with a kid." Aelin replied.

Rowan hummed a yes.

Next week, Emma and Charlie were walking down the corridor to Aelin's room. He was wearing his finest suit for his first official meeting with the queen. The green robes suited him well.

Emma's copper eyes were shining with pride as she let her mate towards the door.

I would like to have some ideas for Rowaelin's kid. Whether it should be a girl or color...eye You can either comment or just drop a message in the inbox.


Memeismeme : )

Life after the War - A Throne of Glass Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें