Curry rice and Blueberry tart

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Hello again. Credit to whoever did that beautiful rowaelin art. This chapter you will see Aelin and Rowan working in the kitchen. They will have a little Fireheart-Buzzard moment but not too much. Sorry :( for that.  I promise I will have more of it in future chapters.

They had finished making the salad and now Rowan was cutting some more vegetables – potatoes and carrots to be specific. Aelin came towards Rowan and silently watched Rowan using his knife skillfully. Then she sat near him and picked a chopped piece of carrot. She observed it and said, "Chop them a little bigger. Use your warrior skills, buzzard." Rowan only grunted. Aelin went back near the stove and tossed the carrot piece into her mouth. She opened the lid and vapors gushed out. Good, the rice was done. She then looked at the curry. It was the perfect shade of orange. Just add the vegetables and cook for a while, it will be done.

"Buzzard, be quick." Aelin said.

"Aelin, I thought we were going to make something easy" Rowan said in reply, "like sandwiches. You have to admit you are not very good at cooking."

"Come on, we are not that bad. See the rice is done and once we add the vegetables, the curry will be done too."

"But..." Rowan continued but Aelin interrupted, "I am going to be the Queen of Terrasen and I don't want my first dish to be something as plain as sandwiches." Of course, she didn't want it because they already had fruits, milk and bread for breakfast.

"Fireheart, I understand..." Rowan started but Aelin interrupted him once again, "Stop arguing and work quickly. We still have to make the blueberry tarts."

Rowan shot her a side glare but continued to work silently while Aelin prepared the batter for the tarts. She had already added the vegetables and the curry was done. They tasted the curry and it was as good as a curry could be.

"I think that is too much." Rowan said as he looked at the batter Aelin had made. It was definitely more than what they could eat.

"Tarts are really hard to bake. The first one may not come out well." Aelin explained, "And even if it does, nobody shall mind extra tart."

And it was true. The first one burned but the second one was alright. They arranged the table as it was almost time for lunch. The others might come any time now.

"See, it came out pretty well." Aelin said pompously. It certainly did.

"Yes. It did, Fireheart." Rowan said and hugged her. When they let go of each other, both of them were smirking. Honestly, he had not thought they would be able to make it but now he was just really proud of her.

See you soon.

Love,                                                                                                                        Memeismeme :) 

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