Finally, they arrive

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Hello, this chapter introduces some new (old) characters. Hope you enjoy it.

And well, we crossed 100 reads. YAY!!!

After hot cocoa and marshmallows, they all had a light dinner cooked by Lysandra. Aelin and Rowan went back to their bedroom. Rowan removed his shirt and carefully put in the corner. Aelin went to the dressing to change into some nightclothes – some short and frilly gown Rowan thought. He really hoped it was not the golden one. Though he claimed that it didn't bother him now, but he could feel himself get a bit nervous every time she wore it.

But when Aelin came out, Rowan changed his mind. It would have been better if she had worn that golden gown for now she wore an even shorter, fancier metallic blue gown. That frilly dress could barely hide her thighs. Rowan stiffened a bit and made space for Aelin to sleep.

She could feel his whole body tense. Not that she didn't enjoy it.

"Are we a little nervous, prince?"

Rowan just grunted and turned to face the other side. Aelin pulled him back.

"Is my new nightgown bothering you, buzzard?"

Rowan scowled but Aelin continued to tease him.

"Remind me why I married you." Rowan finally managed to say but it was too late. Aelin was already asleep, her head resting on his bare chest. He muttered a curse but finally went to sleep.

Emrys, Malakai and Luca kept their promise and arrived at the castle before sunrays could touch the land. Aelin woke up first and pushed Rowan to do the same. He growled but woke up. They got fresh and changed their clothes. Aelin wore a comfortable pink top and jeans. Rowan wore a plain yellow shirt which suited him. They went down the stairs and entered the kitchen to find Emrys, Malakai and Luca already at work.

"Thank God you all are here." Aelin greeted the three. Rowan nodded in recognition.

"We are the first one down here?" Aelin asked as she sat on the table. Emrys smiled which meant yes.

He served them some hot breakfast and milk. The others joined after a few minutes. After serving everyone, the three joined them at the table. They finished the breakfast together and talked for a while. Then they went their ways.

"That was delicious." Fenrys said as he left the room. Emrys smiled.

It was nearly noon when the main gate of the castle was opened. A group of familiar four people entered the castle, followed by a small band of soldiers. 

And that is it. I think I will end this chapter in suspense.

Comment who you think these people will be.                                                                  

Love,                                                                                                                                          Memeismeme : ) 

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