The Announcement

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The tension in the room was palpable. A tall brunet man was pacing before the fireplace. He was waiting for his husband, who was running late. He made another pass before the fireplace. It crackled merrily, contrasting with his own internal turmoil. He raked a hand through his hair, making it even messier than usual.

As he turned to continue pacing he felt slender arms wrap around his torso from behind. Hair tickled his cheek and he felt warm breath on his neck.

"What's wrong, love?" Draco asked.

Harry relaxed instantly, leaning into his husband. He released the breath he hadn't known he was holding in a deep sigh.

"I'm nervous," he admitted.

Draco chuckled. Harry turned in his embrace and pressed his forehead to Draco's.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, love," Draco assured.

Harry breathed in deeply and caught Draco's gaze. The confidence he saw in the grey eyes he loved settled his nerves.

"You're right," Harry said.

Draco smiled and laid a gentle kiss to Harry's lips. Draco stepped back and took Harry's hand for a moment before dropping it. He reached for the canister on the mantle and took a handful of grey Floo powder. He threw the powder into the fire and spoke his destination before stepping through.

Harry waited until the flames returned to their natural color and Draco was gone before repeating his actions and stepping through the fire to a large room. Draco and a small house elf he didn't recognize greeted him. Draco reached for his hand again, linking their fingers. Then he led the way to the family room where Narcissa was expecting them.

The men both smiled once they saw her and each greeted her with a hug and kisses on each cheek.

"Welcome home, boys. I've missed you," Narcissa effused.

"It's good to be back. We've missed you as well, Mum," Harry said.

"Where's Dad?" Draco asked. Harry looked around and noticed the lack of the Malfoy patriarch in the room, as Draco must have done.

"Miss me that much, eh son?" the man in question asked, strolling into the room.

Draco greeted him warmly, while Harry kept his distance. He settled on the loveseat and turned to make small talk with Narcissa while Draco spoke with Lucius. They talked about the trip and the things Harry and Draco had done and seen together. Harry was happy to talk with Narcissa and let Draco handle his father.

Eventually the group moved to the small dining room for lunch. Harry sat between Draco and Narcissa, which put him across from Lucius. When the meal was finished, Draco cleared his throat. He took Harry's hand beneath the table and gripped it tightly. Both of the elder Malfoy's looked at Draco.

"We have an announcement," Draco began. "I'm pregnant. We're having a baby," he finished with a bright smile

Harry beamed at his husband. He laid a gentle hand on Draco's still flat stomach.

"How wonderful!" Narcissa exclaimed. She reached over to hug her son.

Harry noticed the item flying at his head just in time to duck. The cup shattered against the wall behind him, but the liquid still scalded his face. Being preoccupied wiping his face, Harry didn't see the green spell light coming towards him until it was too late to dodge and it hit him in the middle of his chest.

"Luc! What on Earth are you doing?" Narcissa gasped and clutched at her chest.

"This is getting old, Lucius," Harry said with a resigned sigh.

Lucius glared at Harry, his wand still raised. Harry arched a brow and casually waved his hand. Behind him the teacup repaired itself and floated back to Lucius' saucer. The teapot lifted and refilled the cup while the sugar and milk moved into the cup in the perfect amount, doctoring the tea exactly how Lucius liked it.

"Father. Can you please stop trying to murder my husband? I quite like him, and wish for him to be around to help raise our child," Draco said. He glared half-heartedly at his father.

"It's not like he can die. No harm, no foul. Isn't that the saying?" Lucius said with an honest-to-Merlin pout on his face.

Harry couldn't help the incredulous laugh from leaving him. Lucius looked ridiculous, pouting like a child. Harry couldn't believe this was his life. Harry didn't miss the glare Lucius sent him, but it did nothing to remove his smirk. Draco swatted his arm but did nothing else.

It said a lot about his life that he was so accustomed to his father-in-law attempting to kill him every time he saw the man. Lucius sighed and reached towards his son, arms spread for a hug.

"If you are happy, I will learn to be happy about you carrying the Devil's spawn," Lucius said and pulled Draco in for a tight embrace.

"Oh, he's not carrying your kid, sir. That would be gross," Harry replied with a cheeky grin.

Draco snorted while Lucius glared.

"Dear, you just called my son, your husband, Devil's spawn," Narcissa pointed out with an arched brow.

"Ah shit. Sorry, love," Harry said sheepishly.

"It was worth it to see his face go that shade of greenish-red. I've never seen his vein pop like that before either," Draco said idly.

Even Narcissa laughed while Lucius went back to sulking.

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