The Reception

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"Holy shit I just got married," Harry said.

He grabbed his best man Ron's arm and clung to him. His head was swimming and the room was spinning.

"Calm down, mate," Ron said.

Harry's breathing accelerated and his vision began to go spotty.

"Oh god I'm dying. Draco's going to be a widow and he's only been a husband for five minutes. Oh my god I have a husband. I am a husband!" Harry's thoughts were all over the place.

A potion bottle was shoved in his face. He vaguely recognized it as a mild calming draft - thank you Draco and Severus - before it was tipped and he was drinking it.

"I had assumed the panic attack would come before the vows. You never cease to surprise me, Potter," Severus drawled.

Harry's breathing returned to normal and he started picking up more sounds around him. He could see the worried looks on the faces of his family.

"I'm fine. I don't know why that happened," Harry insisted.

He pushed Ron's arm away but patted his shoulder in thanks.

"Where's Draco?" Harry asked.

"He's with Narcissa. He didn't see your melt down," Ron answered softly.

"It wasn't a meltdown. I was just overwhelmed. I'm genuinely happy to be married to Draco. It just hit me all of a sudden that I'm married now," Harry said. He was glad Draco hadn't seen his panic attack nonetheless.

"I'm glad to hear that," Draco said from behind him. Harry felt his husbands' arms wrap around him from behind. His heart began to beat faster and his face split into a wide grin.

"Husband," Harry said with a sigh.

Ron cocked his head to the side.

"My husband. Draco is my husband," Harry answered the unasked question.

The more he said it, the better it sounded. He was married. He had a husband. His husband was Draco. The redundancy helped calm him more than the potion from Sev. He happily leaned into his husbands embrace.

The night had just begun. Friends and family surrounded Harry. Lucius had been given special permission to be there, because Harry had asked and Harry almost always got what he wanted if he pushed hard enough. Having Lucius at his son's wedding was important to both Harry and Draco. Also, the fact that the minister and half the Auror force were in attendance didn't hurt.

They had already had dinner and the first dances. Now the Weird Sisters were playing and the dance floor was full of recently graduated Hogwarts students. Almost everyone on the floor had left school in the last three or four years.

Harry and Draco had chosen July 3rd because it was after school let out and it was halfway between their birthdays. The weather was also as nice as it ever got in England, and Draco and Harry both wanted an outdoor wedding and reception.

Harry watched Luna and Ginny dancing with Blaise and Pansy. The twins were dancing with Angelina and Katie. Greg was dancing with Oliver, which surprised Harry but not Draco. Harry and Draco joined the throng of dancers. At one point, Harry pulled in Narcissa and even Severus for a dance. Lucius threatened to murder him if he even tried. So, naturally, Harry pulled the blond onto the dance floor and cast a sticking charm to his shoes.

Lucius' shouted threats went largely unheard, and completed ignored, while a drunk Draco and Harry danced around him. Harry released the sticking charm after three songs and Lucius stormed off to the table he shared with Sev and Cissa.

Harry casually sauntered over to the table and flopped down in a chair between Severus and Narcissa.

"Tonight has been fun!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yes dear. It has. Please lower your voice," Narcissa said. She smoothed Harry's hair back and he leaned into her fingers.

"Here, take this. It might sober you up," Lucius said holding a drink towards Harry.

Harry was far too drunk to remember this was Lucius and downed the drink.

"Ugh! That was disgusting, Luc. Was it necessary to add the cyanide?" Harry said.

"Lucius! There are swarms of aurors and ministry personnel here! Not to mention the Minister himself! Control yourself," Narcissa reprimanded her husband in a hushed tone.

"Why does it matter? It never works!" Lucius sulked.

"Sorry, pops," Harry said. Then he let out a loud belch. "'Scuse me."

Harry got up to dance with Kingsley and Lucius fumed in his seat.

At the end of the night, Severus was handing out sobering potions like they were candy. Harry and Draco had agreed that every guest that had had more than two drinks had to take one before they left.

Harry took his and felt the instant sensation of sobering up. His eyesight cleared, his head stopped spinning and he knew exactly where he was again. He also remembered everything he had done that night with crystal clarity. He absolutely loved magic.

"I called your dad 'pops' earlier," Harry casually mentioned to Draco.

"Still have that death wish?" Draco replied.

Harry slung his arms around Draco's shoulders and pulled him close. He kissed Draco's temple and smiled.

"Like Pops said, it never works," Harry said.

Draco chuckled and turned so he was facing Harry. They were nearly the same height, with Draco just a few inches taller. He rested his forehead against Harry's and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Tonight was incredible," Draco said.

"It was perfect."

"You ready to use your Christmas present?"

"The one from the twins seems interesting. And there's stuff we haven't used in there yet."

Draco slapped the back of Harry's head and huffed a laugh. "The one from me," he clarified.

"Ah. That one. Yeah, let's see the world."

"Neither of you better come home pregnant! I'm far too young to be a grandfather. And Potter genes would taint the Malfoy line," Lucius said.

Harry laughed at the petulant tone in the elder Malfoy's voice. He laughed harder at the gleam in his husbands' eyes.

"All new places to shag, Harry," Draco stage whispered.

"Now they'll both be pregnant when they get home. Nice going, Luc," Severus said sarcastically.

"We'll see," Harry said.

Then he held his husband tighter and apparated them away.

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