Christmas at the Burrow

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Christmas at the Burrow was in full swing. Harry was happy to enjoy the chaos around him. He loved major holidays where his whole family got together to celebrate. He didn't see Percy and Charlie as often as the rest of the Weasleys. He had dinner with Remus and Dora at least twice a week to spend time with them and little Teddy. He was happy that the Weasleys had taken Draco in as if he was one of their own. Last Christmas was still a little tense. But with a year and a half of dating, Draco was treated the same as any of the other partners.

Teddy was absolutely enamored with Draco. Draco tried to hide it around everyone else, but he adored his little cousin. He wasn't very good at hiding it either. Harry thought that was rather a good thing. He loved to see Draco's soft side. When the family saw Draco cooing at the toddler, they accepted him more fully and for that Harry was grateful.

Harry laughed as he watched Draco and Teddy chase each other around the Weasley's back garden. He could hear Draco's shouts of "I'm gonna get you!" even over the rest of the family chattering.

"That is the softest look I have ever seen on your face," Hermione said from beside him.

Harry just shrugged, never looking away from his godson and his partner playing.

"You really love him, don't you?" Ron said. Harry could see him shaking his head from the corner of his eye.

"Yeah. Yeah I do," Harry replied, still watching his favorite duo.

Draco had just caught Teddy and scooped him up from behind. The little boy squealed with delight, his hair changing to an electric blue. Harry had noticed it was Teddy's favorite color and he often sported it whenever he was happy.

"Mum sent us to collect you lot. It's time for presents," Ron said.

Teddy's head jerked around and his eyes lit up. His hair changed to Ron's exact shade of red and his face split with a wide grin.

"Pwesents!" Teddy shouted.

He launched himself out of Draco's arms and ran full speed at Ron, who had to lock his knees to avoid falling over.

"Open pwesents Unca Won?" Teddy said, tugging on Ron's trousers.

"Yes, presents! C'mon, let's go inside," Ron replied. He reached down and lifted Teddy into his arms to carry him inside.

The rest of the adults followed. The entire extended family was crowded into the Wesley's living room. Harry was happy to see Sev there, looking dour as ever, but still present. He smiled and received a slight up tilt to the man's lips in response.

Teddy had left Ron in favor of his father and was currently bouncing on the werewolf's lap. Dora was making her face change and causing everyone who was looking to laugh.

Andromeda was rolling her eyes at her daughter while also laughing at her grandson. Harry was glad to see her in good spirits. She had taken Ted's death pretty hard. Harry gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"It's lovely to see you, Andy," Harry said.

"It's lovely to be here."

Harry made his way over to Bill and Fleur. Bill was talking to Arthur but Fleur was watching Harry approach. Harry embraced Fleur then held her at arms length.

"You're absolutely glowing," Harry effused.

"Merci! I feel like I swallowed a beach ball, and she kicks all ze time. But I am zo happy!" Fleur replied. Her smile was so bright Harry thought for sure it must light up the room.

"I can't wait to meet her," Harry said.

"An uncle should always be excited to meet their niece. I'd be disappointed if you weren't," Bill said, nudging Harry playfully.

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