Christmas at Malfoy Manor

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Harry spelled the soot from his robes as he stepped through the Floo into the Malfoy Manor receiving room. He had gotten much better at Floo travel since he was twelve, and he was grateful for that fact. He spotted the painting of his parents and picked it up, holding it against his body with his parents facing him. He followed Draco into the hall and was happy not to get lost on his way to the family parlor.

"Hello darlings!" Narcissa greeted them.

She first hugged and kissed Draco before turning to Harry who accepted both happily. He was coming to see Narcissa in the same light as Molly.

"What's this, dear?" Narcissa asked.

Harry beamed at her and turned the portrait around.

"Remus found an almost finished painting at the cottage in Godric's Hollow and had it finished for me for Christmas," Harry answered.

"That's wonderful!" Narcissa said. She seemed genuinely happy for Harry.

"Hello Narcissa," Lily said pleasantly.

"Cissa," James said, less pleasantly. Lily elbowed him in the ribs.

"Lily. James. I'm so glad Harry was able to find this painting. I'm happy you could be here today," Narcissa said.

Harry could feel the awkwardness and moved to place the painting on a chair beside the sofa. Draco was already sitting on the sofa so Harry sat beside him and tried to relax. Draco took Harry's hand and started rubbing small circles with his thumb. The soothing motion normally worked but Harry was feeling too wound up.

"Where's Sev?" Harry asked.

"He came through about ten minutes before you and Draco and disappeared with Lucius. I sent a house elf to fetch them," Narcissa answered.

The door to the parlor opened as she was speaking and Severus and Lucius walked in. Lucius glanced at Harry and went to Draco to clap him on the back.

"Oh right. I forgot he would be here. What did Cissa ever see in him?" James muttered.

Harry smothered a laugh and Lily glared at them both after smacking the back of James' head.

"Well. Isn't this a surprise? When were you painted? I would have assumed I would have heard about this before," Lucius sneered.

"Well we've been gathering dust for, what? Eighteen years or so? Remmy found us and fixed us up," James replied breezily.

"I'm glad Harry has this. He deserves to know you and this is better than stories from old friends," Severus commented. Harry smiled at the man.

"Sev! I didn't see you there!" Lily exclaimed.

"Hello, Lils," Severus said, glaring at her.

"Like mother, like son, eh Uncle Severus?" Draco said with a laugh.

Harry chuckled but he was more interested in the interactions between the five adults. Narcissa seemed slightly wary but open. Harry suspected she was nervous because James and Lily would only have the past that they knew to judge her - and her husband and son - on.

Harry knew a lot had changed for Narcissa in the last eighteen years. Raising her son, living through the second war, and then her son dating the Savior had given her a lot to think about and she had mostly renounced her old views.

Severus seemed torn between happiness at being able to talk to Lily again, wary at what she would think of him, and resigned that James would always be there. Harry knew there was no love lost between the two men.

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