Chapter Seven: Was It Too Far Away?

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The Fourth Letter

The ruination of the metal prison built for the containment of earthbenders was visible even from a distance, and the smell of coal was sharp in the air in a three-kilometer radius around it. Though Zuko knew he was in no position to judge others for their failures, he couldn't help the wave of scorn directed at the warren that washed over him.

According to the reports of the surviving guards, the Avatar had been the one to break the earthbenders out, along with the help of his Water Tribe friends, who had been responsible for instigating the initial uprising. Zuko didn't care much about the circumstances of the escape, but that familiar impatience knotting at the base of his stomach, as well as that sore jaw from clenching his teeth together, were certainly felt when not one of the guards could tell him the direction the Avatar had gone in.

The only helpful part of the stop was the necklace laying among the coals. It was definitely the Water Tribe girl's. He wondered vaguely if she had noticed it missing.

He turned to face the setting sun, which set the sky on fire. A plan was beginning to form in the back of his mind, though it didn't crystalize quite yet. There were too many things he didn't have, too many people he had to be careful of. But he would figure it out.

His eye focused on a part of the scarlet sky as it seemed to materialize, and he put the formation of the plan on pause while he leaned forward. It quickly became apparent that it was a messenger falcon, and though it was hard to see from a distance, Zuko could immediately tell that it was Tongyi. His stomach unknotted at the sight of him, and his heart was already lifting at the thought of Song Lee's letter.

Zuko turned away and started back towards the ship. He had just finished ascending the ramp when Tongyi landed securely on his shoulder. The deck was otherwise deserted, so as he made his way towards his room he softened his voice and said, "Hello." He reached up and attempted to pet Tongyi, but the falcon evaded his hand. Zuko didn't mind. He assumed it had been a rough trip, and besides, at least he wasn't trying to bite him anymore.

He pocketed the necklace, making a mental note to lay out more of a mental plan later, but for that moment he'd much rather read Song Lee's letter. He called for cake, and Song Lee's letter was open before he'd even sat down.

Prince Zuko,

Congratulations on your victory against Captain Zhao. I know that name, surprisingly; he is an acquaintance of my father, though they do not get along. He neglects to refer to Captain Zhao as an enemy, but he has a very low opinion of the him. He believes that he is too obsessed with power, which I thought was odd coming from him, considering that he is the Vice Admiral of the Fire Nation Navy. I told him about the Agni Kai, anyway, and he seemed pleased.

I am sure that you will do whatever it takes to find and capture the Avatar. You will find away to regain your honor. The Avatar is a master of all four elements, even if he is a child. Of course you underestimated him. He is the most powerful bender in the expanse of the world, and it is impossible to fathom what he is capable of.

Zuko leaned back against the side of his bed with a slow exhale, letting the very tips of his fingers glide over her characters. She was so difficult to figure out.

I am happy that Tongyi let you pet him. It took him months to get used to me. I am not sure how he acquired his scar, but my father seems to think that he came from an abusive owner. Perhaps another reason he warmed up to you so quickly is that you have matching scars. If I could speak Falcon, I would ask him. Because I cannot, I will also assume it is because you give him cake. I am glad that he gets plenty to eat when he is with you.

Too Far AwayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora