Part 5- I like my chances

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The next day was Quidditch practice and i was standing next to Ginny, who was next to Harry, as he tries to get everyone to be quite to start.

"Hi guys... quiet please.." Harry says quietly

"SHUT IT!" Ginny suddenly shouts and i look at her, smiling, impressed, and i see Harry doing the same to her on her other side, but he seams to do it more admiringly.

"Thanks..right, umm now then , just because you made the team last year, doesn't mean you will make it this year, is that clear?" Everyone grunts "Good.."

The others start to get into position and i watch as Hermione, sat up on the seating platform, waves to Ron and as he walks past me, her eyes go to mine.

She smiles and waves at me, but i just nod and walk to get into position with the others.

"No hard feelings, Weasley, alright?" I watch as the guy that was look at Hermione, creepily, in the shop talks to him.

"Feelings?" Ron asks

"Yeah, i'll be going out for keeper again, it's nothing personal"

"Really.. a strapping boy like you, you've got more of a beaters build don't you think?" Ron asks him "Keepers need to be quick, agile"

He then manages to grab a fly that was flying around Ron.

"I like my chances" He says as i walk over.

"Ron, sounds as if you've got a little crush on..."

"Cormac, Cormac McLaggen" That boy says to me as he grabs my hand and kisses it

"A little crush on Cormac, Ron?"

"Oh, most people have i wouldn't blame him" Says 'Cormac' as i pull my hand out of his grip and wipe it on my shirt, before walking away with a grossed-out expression on my face.

"I think she likes me" I hear Cormac saying to Ron

"Mate, she literally just wiped your kiss off her hand"

"Exactly, she's playing hard to get and i like it" I roll my eyes and keep walking.


After the Quidditch try outs, we all end up sitting on the floor of the Gryffindor common room, talking.

"I have to admit, i thought i was going to miss that last one" Ron says smugly. "I hope Cormac's not taking it too hard.. He's got a bit of a thing for you Y/N"

"He's vile, Y/N can't be interested in him" Hermione answers for me, laughing and looking at her paper.

"So, just because you think he's vile, i can't like him?" I ask, standing up

"No, it's not that i just feel that other people could be a better match for you" She says as she stands up and looks at me "Like maybe..." She looks around and spots Neville "Like Neville"

I look at Neville walking past and i smile at him and he smiles back as he leaves the room.

"Is this, because you like Cormac and you don't want me dating him, because, don't worry, i wouldn't go anywhere near him.. in fact, i think i'm going to go and find someone who wants me around and will let me finish my sentences" I say as i walk out the room, to the Astronomy tower.

"Now what?" Harry says

Hermione sits down and buries her head in her hands as Ron rubs her back.

"I've really messed this one up.. haven't i?" The boys look at her and nod.

"Why are you so touchy about her dating Cormac?" Harry asks

"I..I don't know, i guess i just don't want her to get hurt"

"I understand, but Hermione, she really did seem repulsed at him kissing her hand on the pitch today" Ron says, trying to make Hermione feel better.

"He what?!"

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