Part 2- And you are?

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My room in the burrow is nothing to complain about.

Sure, it's small and i have to share with my little sister, Ginny, but it's manageable.

All of my earliest memories are drawn on pieces of paper, on the walls, i love it.

I normally do what I'm doing now, lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I close my eyes and sigh, thinking about the stressful year I'm going to have when i transfer to Hogwarts this year.

I used to go to Bauxbatons academy, i asked to go there when i got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts when i was 11.

I'm not really sure why, it was probably the uniforms i liked.

Anyhow, this year i decided that i wanted to transfer to Hogwarts with Harry and Ron, they've told me all about it and their friends in our year.

I asked Ginny what she makes of the place and she said that she loves it.

I nod my head, thinking it over, with my eyes still closed, lying on my back, yes I'm going to like it too, Hogwarts will become my second home, i know it will.

I suddenly hear running feet and then i hear Ginny shout from downstairs.

"Mum, when did Harry get here?" Ginny shouts

I rush out of my room and stand next to Mum, looking down at Ginny.

"Harrys here?" I ask

"I think'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't i?" Mum says, walking down the stairs and i follow after her.

"His trunks in the kitchen and his owl" Ginny says

"I seriously doubt that" Mum says and we both look up as we hear his owl churp

"Hedwig?" I ask as Ron comes out of his room and asks about Harry as well

"Is he up there with you?" I ask Ron

He says no, sarcastically and i roll my eyes

We all rush down the stairs to see Harry standing in the middle of the living room.

Ginny hugs him, Ron and then me.


I knock on Ron's bedroom door, later on, and i open the door to reveal, Harry, Ron and someone else siting on the floor.

"Y/N, I wondered when you would join us" Harry says and i sit down between Ron and the girl, by the door.

I move to get comfy and i accidentally bump knees with the girl and i mutter an apology and we make eye contact as i look up.

We both look away and i cough.

"Y/N this is Hermione and Hermione this is Y/N" Harry says to the both of us.

We both say hi and then the boys carry on talking while we get to know each other a little better.

"So.. are you going to Hogwarts?" She asks me

"Umm, yeah, actually i am"

"How come I've never seen you before?" Hermione asks

"Oh, I stayed at Bauxbaton during the breaks and came back a day after you all left for Hogwarts each year at Christmas, they have different weeks off then you do and i wont make it here on Christmas day, because of the long travel"

"Are you nervous about going to Hogwarts?"

"Yeah, i guess, a little.."

"Well, don't worry, you have your brother, Harry and i to help you"

"Yeah.. thanks"


After all eating our meal and then going into our beds, i lie there and think.

"Ginny?" I whisper "You still awake?"

"Yeah... why?"

"Do you know Hermione well?" I ask

It's silent for a minute before she replies "I know her well enough.. why?"

"No reason... Just curious"

I hear quite again for a minute and then i hear rustling and I turn, seeing Ginny by the moonlight, and i see she is sitting on the edge of her bed, legs crossed, facing me.

I sit up too.

"Why are you so interested?" She asks me and i shrug

"I only just met her tonight and..."

"OMG you like her!!" Ginny shouts

"Shhhh!" I whisper shout "Not so loud!

"So you do?!"


"Fancy her"

I sigh "Ginny I've only just met her, but i think so...Are you not bothered?"

"What do you mean not bothered, bothered by what?"

"That i like a girl?"

"What?! Of cause not!" She comes and sits on the bed besides me, facing me, crossing her legs once more. "OMG this is huge! I've been the one telling you all my crushes and now you get to tell me about yours!"

i chuckle.

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