Part 3- He's gone to get candy?

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"Come on Weasleys! Rise and shine!" I hear Mum shout up the stairs the next morning.

Groaning, i get out of bed and get changed into an outfit and stumble down the stairs, landing in a chair next to the large dining table.

"Mum why so early?" I groan

"We're going to see your brothers joke shop today. ahh... i'm very proud of them, i am" She looks off into the distance and then looks at me. "Come on, eat up!"

I roll my eyes and eat my breakfast.


A little later on, i find myself standing in between Ginny and Hermione, looking at the love potions in the twins shop.

"Hellooo ladies!" I hear as the twins come and stand next to us "Love potions, ay? Yeah, they really do work, then again, the way we hear it sis, you're doing fine on your own"

"Oh shove off you two, leave her alone, she's allowed to date whoever she wants!" Ginny says as I glare at her for telling them that I like Hermione

The twins run off when i pretend to lunge at them.

We all laugh and i look behind us, seeing a guy staring at Hermione.

"Let's go" I grab a hold of Hermione's arm and we go outside the shop, waiting for the boys.

I notice that i am still holding Hermiones arm and i quickly let go and i dont look her in the eyes.

We see them and begin to walk after them, down the street

"How are Fred and George doing it?" Ron asks "Half the alleyways closed down"

I look around us and i see empty, deserted shops, that used to be filled with all the wizard essentials.

"I guess people need a laugh these days"

We walk further down the street and i catch a glimpse of Draco and his Mum, looking suspicious.

"Is it just me or does Draco and his Mum look like two people that dont want to be followed?" Everyone comes and looks out and sees them turn off down a street and we decide to follow them.


We some how end up looking into the room he is in from on a roof near by, dont ask how, cause i have no clue.

Draco starts messing with a cabinet as his Mum whispers something in his ear and i keep struggling to hold onto the top of the roof, almost falling multiple times.

All of a sudden, a tall man comes right up close to the window and we have a duck for him to not see us.

He closes the curtains and then walks away from the window and we all push ourselves back up onto the roof.

I suddenly loose my footing and i feel someone grab my wrist and help me back up and i turn to see that its Harry and i smile and thank him.

I turn to ask Ron what we do now, and i see Hermione glaring at Harry.


The next day, we all managed to get onto the train without any of us forgetting anything and Ginny even managed to remember her new pet.

I get into the compartment and i sit next to Harry, opposite Hermione, sitting next to Ron.

I hear Luna Lovegood talking to Ginny about her Dads newspaper and i laugh as i see Ginnys confused face as she walks away.

"What if it was a ceremony... and initiation?" Harry says

"Oh stop it Harry, i know where you're going with this" Hermione says, rolling her eyes and i laugh

"He's one of them" Harry finishes

"One of what?" Ron says, confused

"A death eater.. keep up" I say as i lean forward and hit Ron on the back of the head and i lean back laughing with Harry.

"But i'm serious" Harry says "His Fathers one, it only makes sense"

"Nonsense" Hermione says, laughing with Ron, i feel slightly sorry for Harry, his theory could be true.

"I'm going to get some air" Harry says, standing up

"I will too, i think" I say, standing up and following after him.

We both reach the end of the carriage and Harry turns to me

I sigh

"Harry i know what you're going to do and i don't think it's a good idea" I say

"What.. How?" I sigh again and look down at the invisibility cloak in his hands


"Yeah" I say "It's not invisible until you put it on you know.. just be careful, please?"

Harry nods and begins to walk onto the Slytherin part of the train with his cloak on

"Oh and Harry?" I cant tell whether he has turned to me or not, but i'm hoping he has "I'll tell the others that you went to get some more candy from the trolley lady..."

I smile and walk back down the train, until i reach our compartment again and i open the door to hear Ron and Hermione laughing about something.. Im not sure what.

I sit down and their laughter dies down.

"Where's Harry?" Ron asks me

"Oh, he went to try and get some more candy from the trolley lady, he will be back in a minute he says" Even though i knew that it was a lie.


When we exited the train and Harry was not with us, Hermione and Ron began to ask worried questions.

"I'll go and look for him-" Hermione says, but i cut her off by grabbing her wrist, lightly, and pulling her back a little

"Wait...i'll go its fine, you two carry on and go to the carriages"

They both nod at me and i look around and then make my way back onto the train and i rush down it, until i come to the Slytherin compartments and i see the curtains closed and the doors shut, but not locked.

"No.No.No!!" I say to myself as i hurriedly drop my bags to the floor and open the door, feeling around for Harry on the floor.

I soon feel his face, under the invisibility cloak and i pull it off, quickly and i kneel down next to him.

He has a bloodied up nose and he looks awful

"Oh, Harry...I told you to be careful!"

"Sorry, Y/N i was trying, but then Malfoy locked the doors and shut the curtains after everyone had left and then...."

I sighed and nodded my head, understandingly.

"Come on, lets get you on a carriage and up to the school so you can see Pomphrey"

I help him up and carry him, with one arm around his shoulders up to the carriages.

The Weasley's First Daughter ✔️ ||HermioneGrangerXOC Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now