Part 12- You came with who?

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The day of the Christmas Party rolled around quicker then i thought.

I still couldn't believe that i had decided to go with who i was going with, but Hermione didn't leave me with much choice.

I stand in front of the Gryffindor, girls dorm room mirror and i smooth out my dress.

I'm going to enjoy my self, even if i don't particularly like who i'm going with.

I smile at myself and i nod, walking out of the room and out of the portrait door.

I walk down a set of stairs and i walk down some hallways, until i come to a stop at the meeting place where i told my date i would meet her at.

I was more nervous then i was letting onto myself.

Not only was i going to the party with someone who wasn't who i wanted to go with, this will also be my 'coming out' to the people who don't already know that i'm gay.

I take a deep breath in as i hear footsteps begin to sound and i watch as she rounds the corner, stopping in front of me.

"You look nice" She says and i smile

"Thank you, you do too, Pansy"


As soon as i walk into the party with Pansy, we are told to stand for a photo to be taken of us together and i nod, standing next to her as the photo flash snaps in front of us, momentarily blinding me.

I look around and i notice Neville serving drinks.

"I'll be back in a minute" I say to pansy and she nods, not really bothered, i think she just wanted to come to the party, not necessarily wanting to have come with me either.

I walk over to stand next to Neville.

"Neville, what are you doing, serving drinks, here?" I ask him as he looks at me

"I didn't get into the Slug club" He tells me as i touch his waiter suit, straightening it out "It's fine though" He tells me and i raise my eyebrow "I'm positive" He says, to reassure the doubt on my face.

"It's not as good as you might think, being here i mean" I say to him, but he shakes his head

"Harry's already came over to me" He says "I like it, it means that i can talk to you lot, without having to where a suit" He says and i shake my head, because he's wearing a white waiters suit.

"Where is Harry?" I ask him and he nods his head to the curtains and i raise an eyebrow, thanking him and walking over to the curtains, slipping behind them.

"Harry?" I ask as i see him "Hermione? What are you both doing behind here?" I ask them both

"I left Cormac under the mistletoe" Hermione replies and i instantly regret asking.

"I'll leave you with y/n then, Hermione" He says to her and i glare at his retreating figure.

I look at Hermione as i watch her continue to stuff food into her face "What's with the food?" I ask her

"It's full of garlic" She tells me and i laugh "I'm hoping it keep Cormac off me" She says as we both laugh at the idea of Cormac smelling her breath.

"He's coming this way" I tell her and she quickly ducks, handing me the plate of food, and she runs out of the curtains

"Have you seen Hermione?" He asks me

"Yes, she just went to powder her nose, i think" I say and Cormac laughs

"She's a little minx, your friend" He says to me and i scoff

"Call her that again and you'll have my fist to answer to" I say and he holds up his hands, in mock surrender.

"Don't worry, you're on my list as well" He says as he walks closer to me and i am relieved when the plate of food in between us stops him from getting any closer.

"What's this?" He asks me as he looks at the food and he eats one

"Dragon balls?" I say as he chews one, just as Professor Snape opens the curtains and looks between us.

I watch as Cormac haunches over and vomits the rest of the dragon ball onto his shoes and i try to hold in my laugh, hoping to slip away.

"That's just bought you a months detention, and not so fast miss Weasley" He says and i sigh, walking back over to them both.

"I really think i should resume to the party-" I begin to say but he cuts me off

"-A weeks detention for you as well"

"What, why?" I ask him, having done nothing wrong

"For... I don't know, i'm sure you will do something worthy of a detention by the end of the night" He says as he walks away and i scoff as Cormac walks off

"y/n!" Hermione says as she runs up to me and hugs me.

I hug her back, awkwardly and she pulls away from me.

"Thank you so much back there, i'm so sorry you got detention" She says and i shake my head

"Don't worry" I say as i look at her "You look beautiful, by the way" I say as i watch her look down at herself and she blushes.

"Oh, thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" She says and i blush as well.

"So Cormac?" I say and she nods

"I didn't think you would want to come with him" I say and she shakes her head

"I didn't really, no one else was available" she says

"You could say that again" I say as i look at Pansy across the room, talking with some boy, i don't recognise.

"You came with her?" Hermione asks me and i nod

"Wasn't the best choice, besides i think she was just putting it on to be able to come to the party i say.

"So it seams like neither of us are happy with our dates" Hermione says, laughing "We should have just come together" She says and we both laugh, awkwardly

"I guess we should have" I say

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" She asks me and i nod

"Yeah, that would be nice" I say

"Anything to get away from Cormac" She says as we walk outside of the party together.

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