Chapter 3

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His lips curve into a beautiful smile as he shakes my hand, "Sure. I am Jase."

"Thanks. Are you new? Didn't see you before." One of the perks of being an introvert is that I notice everyone.

"Hmm. I transferred lately." See? I told you I know everyone, even though I am nonexistent to most people. Not that I care. Okay, I do. But that doesn't matter.

"Hey! Wanna meet my friends? They probably know you anyway." He says giving me a playful smile. Goodness Gracious! He's cute.

Wow. The new guy has more friends than me. My life can't get more pathetic.

"I am sorry. I'll pass" I put my earphones in and I am back to point one. So much for making new friends. But the problem is, it is just me. I couldn't handle crowds.

I feel suffocated. I just don't belong. I drown myself in books and music day and night. That's the only thing I am comfortable with.

"Whatcha listening to" pretty boy scoots closer to me as he tries to look into my phone. That's not sneaky at all. He has a playful glint in his eyes.

"Wha- Huh?" I mentally facepalm myself. "Oh. One direction."

"Cool." Wait. He didn't make a joke about it?

"You like em?" I can't help but ask. Blame my hormones.

"Yup. Don't you?" To say I am shocked would be an understatement.

"Omigod! You do?" I mentally cringe at the amount of excitement in my voice. But when it comes to my choice of music, I can't contain myself.

"Mostly Styles." He says with a knowing smirk.

I narrow my eyes in suspicion. "Are you playing with me?"

"What do you think?" He smirks.

I scowl and stuff my earphones back in.

"Hey! I am sorry. You up for a pizza?" Aww.

And needless to say I said yes. It's pizza. Duh.

And that was the start of our friendship. Who knew a pizza could change someone's life? I didn't.


*Present* Tears run down my cheeks as I walk up the stairs of my new home

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Tears run down my cheeks as I walk up the stairs of my new home. These hallways hold a lot of memories. But now, these are nothing but shallow structures. Suffocating. I feel devoid of any emotion. I can't feel anything. Numb.

The beautiful wedding dress that I selected with so much affection, now feels like a burden on my body. Today, I became the joke again. But the sad thing is, so did my parents.

Never in my life did I feel so unworthy, so unwelcome.

I let out a humorless laugh as I enter my bedroom.

Apprently, he will not be living with me. I miss my home. I miss my parents. I miss my old bedroom. It wasn't as luxurious as this one, but it was mine. Now it feels like, I am staying in some stranger's house. Just without the rent.

I take off my dress, and put on some comfy pajamas. I lay down on the bed and immediately desolve into darkness. It was a long day. I wonder what tomorrow will bring....

Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter. Three updates in three day? I feel like I got the Nobel prize or something. Hahaha.
Lots of love. Enjoy.

PS: I really hate Mase rn. He hurts my baby Al so much.

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