Chapter 14

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~Because of you,

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~Because of you,

I laughed a little harder,

Cried a little less,

And smiled a lot more

But now that you're gone

I've forgotten what being happy felt like...~


Today is Raksha Bandhan. It's the day that we celebrate brotherhood and love, seal the promise of long life and happiness with the tying of the amulet with the name of Rakhi.

I'm lying in the bed, recalling what happened three years ago. The day is too hot today, yet it's not enough to dry up the tears rolling down my cheeks, refusing to stop.


"We're back together Al!" Ann all but screams, engulfing me in a tight bear hug.

Glad! It's a miracle we haven't run out of tissues yet, considering the amount of crying she has done in the past few days.

"Yay. Congratulations." I say in a monotonous voice, poking my head from under the large cartons I'm carrying.

"Oh c'mon Al. Can't you even pretend to be a little excited?" She almost tears up again. "No one cares about me. Not even you Al." She says with trembling lips.

Immediately discarding the boxes in my bed, I go towards my now crying friend. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." I apologize again and again, rubbing her back as she cries in my shoulder.

I mentally facepalm myself, I mean, I seriously should've known better. These days, even the smallest of things can trigger her. Even though the reason for their breakup was see for yourself.

So, the story goes like this- Ann wanted to go to a party. Romi didn't. Then Ann suggested to go to the movies, Romi wanted to study for the exams, but said that they'd go later. Ann didn't agree, so Romi called her selfish (which I kinda agreed to, not that I'm gonna tell her that). That pretty much caused a big fight and...the rest is history.

"Ok. Now get up. I've yet to clean all this stuff." And that's another reason for why I reacted like that earlier. After coming home that day, I was greeted with the dorm in complete chaos and a crying mess of a girl. Not a single vase left unbroken. All the showpieces, the pillows, the bedsheets. Everything in literal shreds. I was angry, yes, but that doesn't mean I could abandon my only girl friend now, could I?

"Oh right. I'm sorry. Shall I help you?" She says in a hesitant tone that clearly depicts she doesn't want to. And to be honest, I prefer to do some things alone anyway. She isn't bad at heart you know, it's just, she's blonde.

"No, I'm fine doing it by myself. Thanks for the offer though." I say with a smile.

"Aww you're welcome! Oh! I forgot to mention by the way. We're going to the park.  So uh, Bye! Call me if you need anything, okay?"

" Yeah, alright. Bye. Enjoy." I say, with a hearty chuckle, rolling my eyes. "And don't forget to remind Romi to be at the canteen at 9:00 am sharp."

"Will do!" She says in a singsong tone as she sprints down the steps.


(I can literally hear that voice lmao)

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(I can literally hear that voice lmao)

One's room is an externalization of one's mind. And a happy mind calls for a clean room.

So, after three days work, the room is finally clean now, with all its contents in their right places.

And my Rakhis are ready too. Handcrafted with a variety of different coloured beads, silvered threads and coated with the magical essence called love. A sister's love.

I place them all in a thali, with the necessary puja items and of course the key ingredient, Laddoos. And I know that they're the main reason why almost all the boys from my class wants to be my brother. I didn't make the Laddoos though, they're prepared by my mom and delivered to me, all the way from India. I'm absolute shit at cooking. It's not that I don't know how to, it's just that I never tried.

I'm dressed in an oversized Tee and a pair of ripped jeans, paired with sneakers and my hair in a high ponytail, with a baseball cap worn lopsidedly.

Turning open the door, I slowly ascend the stairs with the tray in my hands, ready to welcome my idiots.


This chapter too is divided in two parts. The next part would be updated soon.

Thanks for reading! :)

Lots of Love,


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