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I recomend to listen to the song while reading :)

"Ouch! I cannot breathe! Be careful!" i complained as one of the maid tied my courset too harshly.

"Sorry young miss" she bowed and once again went back to dressing me up, while others were still correcting the dress, straightening the layers and touching up the ribbon one last time.

"Maria! my daughter! how did you sleep, my love?" my father, the king, came in my room while i was behind the changing sheets, still getting dressed up in my black gown.

"thank you father, i slept fine. what about you?" i asked as steadily as i could, since courset already took my breath away.

"good... i came by to warn you to be careful. there wont be only our alies but enemies too. just be careful." my father, who was always anxious about my safety warned me, but this time i felt different, if before i would laugh it away, this time i genuinely got nervous and started thinking what i could do to prevent anything bad from happening.

"miss..." maid that helped put the gown on whispered in my ear "i heard your fatheres lifetime enemy is going to be here. be careful miss... just take this hair pin which is beautiful accessory for others but can be used as deadly weapon"

i nodded and pinned it in my hair which was tied into a half bun and end of my long hair was curled. enemy... what kind of enemy though... he has never ever mentioned anyone who he had bad relationship with. its strange for my father to have someone he is hostile with. even though he is a king he has never been a type to hate someone or kill a person without a reason.

my shoulders on display, big elegant necklace filling my ches area and long briliant earrings slightly touching my shoulders when walking. black brilliant like stones crown on my head and white gold rings on my fingers. courset defining my already slim waist and then big, fluffy materia sitting around metal construction underneath to make it look round and gown like. dress end on the ground even a meter after me, slowly following me as i go down the stairs in the enormous castle. everything in gold, ornaments of the walls and even picture frames were made of gold. two rounded, long strairs were coming together where i was just standing, looking at people below me. Looking at the ball room, it was vast space, who knows how many meters tall with long rounded chandeliers. floor painted in golden and black colours, tall black candlesticks near the walls. colourful dresses and suits lightened the dark, dead room.

"Attention!" one of the courtier screamed "Pay respects to his royal highness, the king and and her royal highness, the princess!"

music stopped, all the attention was moved in our direction where my father and i stood. one by one people started to bow and pay respects. there was no sound of a voice. u could clearly hear the way they breathed in and out, how their hearts started to beat faster.

i placed my hand upon my fathers and slowly went down the stairs with him. my black gown slowly moving back and forth as i walked. keeping my back straingh and my chin up, but my eyes low until i reached the bottom of the stairs, when i looked up and took better look at foreign faces i have never seen before.

"continue the ball please" the king politely asked and everyone went back to what they were doing.

"come, im going to introduce you to my friend"

friend? whoever he is i have never heard of him, since after the queens death he has cut of most of friendly friendships he had and only concentrated on the nigotiations good for our country and the people.

"hello Lee Baekhyeon." father greeted with a slight smile looking at the old man in front of us.

"Kim Dong-Yul" the man aslo smiled back brightly "long time no see"

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