The Pancake Batter Anomaly

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Scene: The living room of the apartment. Leonard and Sheldon are playing the three dimensional chess game from the original Star Trek series. It is Leonard's move. He takes his time, moving round the board and checking things from various angles. Finally he tentatively makes a move. Sheldon moves almost immediately.

Sheldon: Checkmate.

Leonard: O-o-o-o-h! Again?

Sheldon: Obviously you're not well suited for three-dimensional chess, perhaps three dimensional candyland would be more your speed.

Leonard: Just reset the board.

Sheldon: It must be humbling to suck on so many different levels.

Ariana(knocking and entering): Hi guys.

Leonard: Hey!

Ariana: Did you get my mail.

Leonard: Yeah, right here. How was Nebraska?

Ariana: Oh, better than North Dakota! (Pause) I guess that joke's only funny in Nebraska.

Sheldon: From the data at hand you really can't draw that conclusion. All you can say with absolute certainty is that that joke is not funny here.

Ariana: Boy, it's good to be back.

Leonard: How was your family?

Ariana: Ugh, it was the worst trip, everyone got sick over the weekend.

Sheldon: Sick?

Leonard: Here we go.

Sheldon (running to opposite side of the room): What kind of sick?

Ariana: Oh, the flu I guess.

Sheldon: I don't need you to guess, I need you to know, now when did the symptoms first appear?

Ariana: Maybe Friday.

Sheldon: Friday, was that morning or afternoon?

Ariana: I... I don't...

Sheldon: Think woman, who blew their nose and when?

Leonard: Sheldon, relax, she doesn't have any symptoms, I'm sure she's not contagious.

Sheldon: Oh please, if influenza was only contagious after symptoms appear it would have died out thousands of years ago. Somewhere between tool using and cave painting, homo habilus would have figured out to kill the guy with the runny nose.

Leonard: Ariana, you'll have to excuse Sheldon, he's a bit of a germaphobe.

Ariana: Oh, it's okay, I understand.

Sheldon: Thanks for your consideration, now please leave.

Leonard: You'd better go before he starts spraying you with Lysol.

Ariana: Okay, well, thank you for getting my mail.

Leonard: No problem. Welcome home. (Sees Penny out. Turns to find Sheldon spraying the air with Lysol.)

Sheldon: What?

Credits sequence

Scene: The kitchen

Leonard: What the hell are you doing?

Sheldon: I'm making petrie dishes to grow throat cultures.

Leonard: With lime jello?

Sheldon: I need a growth medium, and someone polished off the apricot yoghurt. Here, swab my throat.

Leonard: I don't think so.

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