Thunder Strangers Part 2

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(They're all wearing the outfits from earlier/last chapter)

As Tori and Dustin walk by themselves, Shane carries a barely conscious Alex up the hill, her arm over his shoulder and his arm around her waist.

Suddenly they all hear hunter as they weakly climb up the hill. "We were riding when we saw the smoke!"

Shane accidentally drops Alex, but Blake is quick to catch her. "Are you okay?"

Alex nods as Blake holds her up. "Yeah, thanks."

Hunter helps up a weak tori as he asks. "What happened?"

Kelly answers. "I was listening in the car on the way here. They think it was some kind of alien attack."

Blake asks Alex. "What, that sort of thing happen a lot around here?"

Shane slightly annoyed and tired asks. "You never wondered why housing was so cheap?"

A worried Kelly says. "We need to call someone... the Police, the FBI, the CIA."

Alex shakes her head. "No, Kelly, we're fine."

Tori nods. "Thanks."

The four wind Rangers all breathe heavily as they look at each other with the same expression.

Time skip to the Rangers walking in the medow

As the four wind Rangers walk through a medow a still weak Alex was being held up by Shane who asks his friends. "You guys all right?"

Dustin answers. "That was way harsh, man. You know what? I think my morpher's toast."

Dustin shows the other Rangers his morphor, and they see that it is indeed really messed up as Alex sighs. "Cam is going to freak when he finds out we thrashed the zords."

Shane shakes his head. "Hey, how did you do that cool trick earlier? The one where this giant Tiger came out of you."

Alex shrugs as she still has her arm around Shane. "I don't know. I just got so angry that they we're hurting you guys and talking bad about Sensei."

Dustin starts to chuckle. "Well, it was awesome, dude! I mean, it was like free-styling off a 100 foot ramp cool!"

Tori chuckles as well. "Yeah. It was pretty cool."

Alex chuckles as they all continue to walk.

Time skip to ninja ops

Cam was holding four destroyed ranger morphers with a emotionless look. "Well, you've managed to reduce years of technological advance into a pile of scrap metal in a single afternoon, not to mention what you did to the zords."

Sensei cuts him off. "Cam, now is not the time."

Cam looks to Sensei, then back to the four guilty looking Rangers in front of him. "I'm sorry. You're right. Thankfully, the auto-retreat allowed the reactors time to reset the holographic portals. I've engaged the self-reconstruct functions."

Tori, Alex and Shane all start to walk away as Dustin stays put and says. "Dude, I've got no idea what you just said."

He starts to follow them as Alex says. "They're fixing themselves, Dustin."

Cam nods. "Yeah."

Dustin now understanding, gets excited. "Oh, ha ha ha, okay. Okay, right. Sweet."

Sudden he is hit in the back of the head by Sensei.

Alex slightly giggles as Sensei lands on the main computer and hears Shane ask him about the thunders. "Hey, Sensei, why didn't they finish us off?"

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