There's No "I" in Team

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The four new power rangers walkbthrough a desert in their ninja uniforms faces covered with mask.

"Come on you guys." Shane says as he pulls on Destiny's and Tori's wrists causing them to yell out in pain. "Ow. Shane."

He just groans. "Ah, this could take all day."

Shane yanks the girls' wrists once again making Destiny wince and Tori yell out in pain. "Ow! Shane, will stop pulling? My wrist is totally tweaked."

Destiny nods in agreement. "Yeah, Shane. My wrist feels like it's about to fall off."

Shane stops as he looks to the two girls and apologizes. "Sorry, Destiny, Tori. It would just be so much faster if we could just split up."

He continues to walk as Tori mutters. "Not to mention less painful."

"You know the scroll three thing better be worth it, man. These cuffs are brutal." Dustin whines.

Destiny nods. "No kidding."

Shane yanks her arm again as he says. "Sensei would not have sent us if it weren't important. It's got to be here some where."

He yanks their wrists once again making Tori yell out in pain.

"What kind of scroll are we talking about, anyway?" Dustin asks

"I'm thinking if we see a scroll anywhere around here, that's probably it." Tori answers.

Destiny nods. "Yeah. It's common sense."

"Okay, well, there's one." Dustin points to a scroll not so far away.

The rest follow his line of sight.

"That's really it." Tori cheerfully says.

It was quickly cut short by Shane yanking the other three by their wrists. They stop running once they're in front of the scroll.

"Wait, it says something." Tori noticed.

Shane read the scroll aloud out loud. "Stronger as one than four."

Dustin groans. "What? That's it. We'd be better off buying fortune cookies."

"Let's just grab it and bail." Tori suggests

Shane nods as he announces. "I'll get it."

He tries to grab it, but they all fall to the ground, landing in a dog pile.

"Who's on my foot? Shane!" Dustin questioned.

Tori groans. "That was so not effective."

Destiny nods. "Talk about brutal."

"I'll do this myself." Shane angrily mumbles.

They all get up, but are soon surrounded by kalzaks.

"Uh...Kalzaxs party of 10." Dustin points out.

The kalzaxs attack them and they try to fight them off.

They knock down a few, but Shane pulls them by their wrists in a different direction.

"Will you stop pulling my arm, Shane?" An annoyed Tori asks.

She was cut off by a kalzax almost hitting her and Shane.

Shane tries to fight, pulling their arms and knocking down Dustin in the process.

"Dustin, look out!" Shane yells, warning his friend.

He pulls Dustin off the ground before he could get hurt.

They fight off a few more kalzaxs and roll all together to dodge any hits.

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