Return of Thunder, Part 1

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(What Alex wears^)

Tori, Alex and Dustin watch a video of Alex and Dustin riding there bikes, Tori nodding in approval. "Yeah, Alex, Dustin. You guys really good out there."

Alex smiles as Dustin nods as well. "Now all we gotta do is to get some factory guys see the tape."

He paused the video as man approaches them. "Hi there. I'm looking for Kelly Halloway."

Dustin unpaused the video and put the control down. "Uh, sorry. She's out at the moment. Can- Can I help you?"

He looks up and recognizes the man, immediately getting up to shake his hand as he stutters his worss. "Dude... You're

Tori and Alex stand up next to Dustin as the guy nods, shaking his hand. "Roger Hannah. Nice to meet you."

Tori asks. "Whose Roger Hannah?"

Dustin answers. "Five-time moto champ. More wins than anybody on the planet."

Roger humbly scoffs as he waves it off. "That might be a stretch."

Dustin continues as he fanboys. "You're the team manager for Factory Blue."

Roger nods as Dustin gets excited, looking for the motocross video of Alex and himself. "Oh, wait a minute. Um. Uh. Where is it?"

Roger looks to Alex making her slightly uncomfortable as Dustin finally get the tape, holding out for Roger. "Here. Here. Watch this tape. Alex and I have been busting some super fast lap times."

Roger smile, lightly pushing the tape away. "Maybe another time. I'm looking for a couple of guys in particular. I hear they ride at the local track sometimes."

Dustin gets slightly bummed out. "Oh, don't tell me. One big guy, one not so big guy. Both insanely fast."

Roger nods. "Yeah. So, you know them?"

Alex asks. "Blake and Hunter? You could say we know them."

Roger smiles. "Then you could tell me we here to find them."

Alex wears a slightly sad look. "I really wish we could."

Dustin nods. "Yeah. She does dude, trust me. She's, um... Got this thing for..."

Alex stops him. "Dustin. Please. Don't... go there."

Roger sighs reaching into his pocket. "Well... Here's my card. If you run into them have them call me. It's important."

He gives Dustin his card, who nods. "Yeah. Okay, sure thing."

Roger nods. "Later."

Dustin looks at the card excited. "Wow. Can you believe Roger Hannah?"

He turns around to see both girls gone, before looking back to see Tori and Alex near his bike and Alex's.

Dustin rushes over to them, slightly panicked. "Hey, hey. What are you doing?"

Tori turns to him unfazed. "I'm borrowing your bike."

She stands up as Dustin chuckles nodding his head. "Oh. Haha. No, you see, the way that usually works is that you ask me first. And I think about for like... half a second, and then tell you that, the only way I would let you ride my race bike, is if you tied me down and tortured me."

Alex, making sure her bike is fine asks. "You really want it to come to that?"

Dustin points to his bike. "Tori, I just did a prep, okay? It's perfect."

Tori sighs. "Look, I really miss Hunter. And Alex misses Blake. And riding makes us feel like their still around. And since Cam keeps the tsunami cycles under lock and key, this is as close as it gets."

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