Chapter 7

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Vegeta charges the woman. His fist smashing straight into her face. She recoils back from the hit however Vegeta is on her again. He hits her in the stomach and then her chest then her face again. Over and over. Stomach, chest, face Stomach, chest, face, Stomach, chest, face. Finally he flips sideways slamming his leg down onto her head. As she smashes into the ground Vegeta jumps back. He holds his hands to the left of his head. Then a purple orb of energy charges in his hands. He throws his hands forward screaming "GALICK GUN!"

The beam flies at the woman and blasts her, exploding on contact. Vegeta stands swiping a small amount of dirt off his blue shirt. He looks like he's just had a relaxing massage rather than expressed enough power to level a continent. Ben was amazed. His Senzu Form didn't have this level of power. This realitys Saiyans have a serious power increase. Standing as Atomix, the nuclear alien, he looks around for Eon but he's not here. Where would he go?

As the dust settles the Mysterious Woman is standing there. Undamaged holding her cloak open. "H.. How are you still standing?" Vegeta says. "Who are you?"

"I'm Jager." She replies. "Basically…." She looks at him smiling. She speaks in a calm soothing voice with no anger whatsoever. "Run." A millisecond later, out of her cloak fires Vegeta's Galick Gun. It fires upwards however. To where Eon suddenly appears. He holds his hands out and fires his own beam against it. It meets the original blast and it seems to stop it dead. However the beam then turns into a bright white orb on contact with Eon's blast. Grabbing this orb, Eon vanishes.

Everyone stands looking up at this then when Eon dissappears they look back at Jager. However she's gone too. They have been played.

Vegeta clenched his fist closed. "That bitch." He mutters under his breath. "FINISH THE FIGHT. DO YOU HEAR ME. COME FINISH THIS." He bellows out. Then a laugh is heard followed by a reply. "Oh I intend to. But not if you insult me by using that pathetic form. I know of your powers Saiyan. Show me."

Vegeta grins. "Gladly." He then starts to shout deeply. "haaaaaaaaaaa" He pulls his arms to his side with his arms at a right angle to it. Like Goku did when he turned Super Saiyan against Ben. He screams louder "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa" he brings his arms to his chest and throws them out to the side with the loudest shout Ben has ever heard. "HAAAAAAAAAA." Exploding out energy. His hair turning blue and his aura too with a gradient of light to dark as it flows out.

"Lovely. It seems you have God Ki. I wonder how you managed that?" Jager's voice echoes around them. She then appears in the same place as she was before. Giggling. "Now Saiyan. Show this power."

Vegeta flies forward at a speed Ben has only ever seen when he pushes XLR-8 to his maximum limit. Of course he's moved faster as jetray as well as his most powerful alien but only with the latter does it not strain his body and his mind with keeping up. However it seems that Jager is more than able to keep up, catching his fist in mid air and throwing him down to the ground. She then kicks him up to eye level and then spin kicks him back to where he originally stood all at a speed Ben manages to only just perceive.

She then follows suit by opening her cloak up and out fires many small but accurate lasers. They all target Vegeta and he flies up into the air. The beams however turn at a sharp angle and remain following Vegeta.

Vegeta makes sharp turns to try and avoid these beams. He makes a bline for a rocky area. Tall towers of stone and earth. Dashing through the naturally formed skyscrapers Vegeta manages to get the beams to collide with them. All exploding the moment they hit. A cloud of dust now covers the area. Slowly rising from the dust is Vegeta. Not a mark although lathered in debris. "Hm. Impressive. You're quick. This may be an actual challenge." Jager says. Now Vegeta pushes his attack.

Flying at her, when he gets close he turns in the air with himself upside down to Jager. Almost as if he's about to spiderman kids the villain. However instead he grabs around her neck with his arms and brings her down to the ground in an almost wrestler like move. However all the way down he charged Ki blasts that fire continuously into her that explode and burn into her skin. However the blasts also seem to take its toll on Vegeta himself. The proximity damaged him. When they plow into the dirt and the dust settles, Vegeta and Jager are lying there.

"Good battle Saiyan. We'll call this a draw. I hope this will continue but at a later date." Jager breathes out heavily. After that she disappears. No flash no dramatics. She's just gone.

Vegeta lays there smiling. "Finally. Something different. Something new." He says before standing up. Goku and Ben run over to Vegeta. "You OK Vegeta? You could have really done yourself in firing attacks that close to yourself." Goku says.

"I'm fine Kakarot. We need to get the Namekian out of here." Vegeta stats with all three of them leaving the dead place.

A/N: And so here we are again. Vegeta Vs Jager. If you have a theory on why she is named that I would love to hear it. Now just so you're aware the details on why Vegeta may seem weaker in this fight will be explained in the next chapter so stay tuned to that.

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