Chapter 11

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As light became dark, dust becomes muds while rain falls from the sky. Bouncing off the hull of a Capsule Corp plane as it glides through the sky leaving a yellow streak behind. Its occupants lie defeated yet devoid of injury. Ben sits with his legs up hiding his face as curls into a ball. All he does is stare at his watch. Across from him Kevin absorbs and unabsorbs a small ball bearing in his hand. The small coating of metal over his hand washing over him again and again. Gwen had given him them once. He wished it was enough. Bulma and Gohan sit at the front as they fly back to Bulma's home to regroup.

Once they are back they are met by Goku, Vegeta and Paradox. The atmosphere remains sombre. As they disembark the ship the silence hangs over them all.

"It appears that this pivotal moment in the timeline has not gone the direction we desired." Paradox stated to the group. "Do not let this get you two down. There will be another chance." His all powerful time powers and his intellect do give them a small hope but not enough to make a massive difference.

Goku emerges forward with a better idea. "I know how to get your spirits back. Let's battle."

Kevin steps forward and gives him a smirk. "Yeah, I could do with some stress relief."

Paradox sighs. "Unfortunately we don't have time." However he does begin to make a quick reassessment. "Actually this would be a great time to show them the fruits of your efforts on Mr Destructions planet."

Goku and Kevin stand ready to duel.

"Our opponents have the advantage of time. Their infinite capacity for it but also how they wield it. Here." Paradox hand Kevin a piece of a Cronosapian.

"That's a piece of a Clockwork isn't it?" Ben asks confused.

"Absolutely, you will get to see why shortly. Kevin could you please try and use time blasts to weaken our friend here. Don't do more than that. If this doesn't work I'd hate for Goku here to be turned into a 105 year old man."

"You got it Professor."

Kevin grips the piece tightly and his body begins to shine with a golden metal. His hair spikes up into a key shape and his stomach tightens and curls into gears and become covered in a sheen of blue glass.

They begin to brawl. Beams of time fly toward Goku. Goku relaxes and his entire body is surrounded by his Ki. As the blast of time connects to Goku it ripples and explodes. When the dust clears Goku stands completely unharmed.

"What just happened?" Ben questioned.

"Well young Benjamin what is beyond time? The spiritual energy of life. To you it is known as mana. Here they call it Ki but its base components are the same. Its how you use it." The clues begin to glue together in Ben and Kevin's head. "See an Anodite can use to create constructs. Magic users can use it to enhance the world around them. Goku and Vegeta here can use it to boost there natural limits and create energy beams. However the pure form of life energy is not bound by time nor space. If used correctly it can be manipulated as a shield."

"Or a weapon against that bitch from the before" Vegeta adds.

Paradox nods. "Goku's little trick here is very simple but takes a lot of control and effort. It also weakens him. The purest form of life can only be used by breaking down how his Ki."

"So every time he uses it he becomes weaker." Ben asks.

"Exactly which is why he's not using his Super Saiyan form. With that much Ki it would drain him instantly as he can not control how much he burns through at once."

The fight continues. Goku and Kevin begin to attack with more melee attacks. Goku launch's rapid punches in quick succession faster than regular men can see but thanks to his Cronosapian DNA Kevin can see the attacks. Kevin returns a counter attack after Goku tries to kick out his legs from under him but Kevin jumps and brings his own kick down on him. Goku crosses his arms and blocks the kick however as he looks up after the impact he can see Kevin firing another time blast. He rips through his current Ki and the blast does nothing. He responds by punching Kevin. He notices that Goku's punches are weaker after using that ability but as he recoups he is back to full strength in just a few seconds.

At the end of the fight Kevin asks to learn this power. He needs all he can to save Gwen. Nothing is going to stop him now.

After the spar raps up after both of them grow tired from fighting they go inside Capsule Corp to recoup there energy, followed by the rest of the group. Ben smiles to himself finally have something to help save Gwen and Rook. Although as they are all walking back no one seems to see a black cloaked figure appear behind Gohan and disappear with him. Leaving behind a duplicate who smiles an evil grin.

A/N: Hi yes its me. No the story's not dead. no I'm not dead. just not had any drive to continue writing but i felt like doing so so here it is.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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