Chapter 18

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Hey everyone. Thank you for the loving support you have given me on this book. There's not much to report but I hope you like this chapter ~ bye

Roy's POV

Roy drank the last few drops of the sweet coffee. Roy puts down the white cup on the glass table.

"I should get going". Roy said as he got up.

Roy looked at Al to see Al nod.

"Thank you for telling me how brother is doing". Al said in a quiet and soft voice.

Roy walks to the gate. He opened the gate and walked out onto the sidewalk. Roy looked back to see that Al has not moved yet. Roy felt better now that he had told Al some of the truth but it was not all the truth. Roy walked to a payphone. He called someone saying that he needed a ride back to the office. The person that came was a man in his 50s. The ride to the office was quiet and short. Roy got out of the car and into the military building. He got to his office to see that no one was there. Roy walked into his office and sat down on one of the nice leather couches.

He sat there with his hands folded underneath his chin. He sat on the couch thinking. He was thinking about how to find Hawkeye. If they wanted to find Hawkeye then they have to be smarter than Lilith but that was easier said than done. No one except Roy and Ed knew about Lilith and Roy was not going to put his whole team in harm's way just to save Hawkeye. Just thinking about that was unbearable and Roy knew what it felt like when Ed has to pick someone to feed on just a thought about having to choose who to save and knowing that someone to die was heartbreaking. Knowing that Ed have to choose to save his loved ones and hurt a stranger or save the stranger and hurt one of his love ones was hard. Ed knew that someone was going to get hurt but who was, was up to him. Roy found that he was in the same position. He had to pick who is going to get hurt or even die. He wanted to save everyone but that was impossible. Roy knows if he puts everyone in his team in harm's way that Hawkeye would hate him. She would've said that she would stay in whatever place she was in if that meant that everyone will be safe.

Roy starts to cry. He was thankful that no one was in the office. Roy sat there and cried for a long time. So long that is started to get dark in the room. Roy wipes his tear stained face on his military outfit. All the time that he was crying no one entered the office. Roy assumes that they all went home after they finished whatever they were doing. Roy calms his breathing and slowly got that from the couch. It felt good to cry because he was human. Sometimes he wanted to cry but couldn't because everyone was looking up to him. If they saw him breakdown then what kind of leader would he be. Roy packs up and leaves. He walks slower then he usually does. He keeps his head down staring at the ground not watching where he was going. He finally makes it to his house. His tears are all dried up. Ed would have never known that Roy you just cried. Roy slowly opens up the door making a squeaking noise. Roy closes the door and puts away his coat. Once Roy was done he calls down Ed.

Edward's POV

Ed was awoken by Roy calling his name. Ed looked at the clock. It was only 7:45 PM.

What the hell is he calling my name this early? Ed thought.

Then he realizes that to him it was early but to Roy it was late. Ed let out an angry breath of air. He got up. Ed put on some baggy black sweatpants and a black under top. Roy was still yelling Ed's name.

"Just a minute" Ed answered Roy with an angry tone of voice." What the hell do you want"? Ed said angrily as he came down the stairs.

Ed stopped at the bottom of the stairs he see that Roy was standing near where the couch.

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