Chapter 23

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Hey. How is it going? Thanks for the mind blowing support. You guy show win a trophy or something anyway just a quick Author note. See ya Bye

Edward's POV

Hawkeye did what Lilith told her to do. Ed looked at Roy and Winry. Roy had an alarming face on.

"I swear to God that I will find a way to kill you". Roy hissed at Lilith.

Lilith didn't say anything. Ed focused on the sounds of the cave. There were the chains rattling and a lot of walking. Ed stops focusing on the sounds and looked at Winry. Winry looked nervous and anxious. Ed was worried about Winry state of being. Winry looked pale but Ed knew why. She also looked like she hasn't eaten anything in sometime. Ed felt the ropes loosen making him break away from his thoughts. Ed looks behind him to see that Lilith was untying the ropes.

"Get up". Lilith demanded nudging Ed to get up.

Ed got up. Ed instantly felt the gun up against his back just where his heart was.

"Walk to where the circle is". Lilith said.

Ed walked. Ed didn't want to make a wrong move. He couldn't live with himself if someone got killed or turn because of his actions. Ed walked to the back of the room. He could see a giant transmutation circle on the floor. The circle look like a human transmutation circle with a philosopher's Stone transmutation circle and something else mixed together. In the middle there were two chairs. The chairs were back to back to each other. Hawkeye was sitting in the chair on the left. Hawkeye's hands were tied behind the chair. Lilith pushed Ed to the circle and into the chair. Lilith went behind the chair. She forced Ed hand behind the chair. Ed could feel the thick, rough rope being tied. Ed was now facing the wall.

He couldn't see Hawkeye because she was behind him. On his right he could see the tears stained and worry face of Winry. Ed could see the very pissed off and angry Roy. They had a perfect view of what was going on. To Ed's left he could see Lilith. Lilith's gun was on the floor beside her. Her eyes turn red. She had a wicked smile on.

"Are you ready to enjoy the show"? Lilith said as she was ready to clap her hands together.


Everyone look at the tunnel to see Al and Hughes. Hughes was carrying a gun. Ed could hear dark disturbing laugh. He looked to the left to see Lilith laughing. Lilith stops laughing and look at Al and Hughes with a cold stare.

"Well killing you will be fun". Lilith said in a laughing tone.

Ed could hear Hughes talking to Al.

"Al you untie Ed and the rest while I'll deal with her". Hughes said.

Ed starts to get concerned.

"Hughes be careful". Ed shouted out before thinking.

Hughes look shock for a moment then quickly nodded. Al ran towards Ed and Hawkeye. In a blink of an eye Lilith was in front of Al.

"Sorry but I can't let you go any further". Lilith said with a smile on her face.

Hughes fired his gun. Hughes shot at Lilith's stomach. Lilith fell to the floor. Any normal person could have been hospitalized from that shot. Ed only knew that that shot would only immobilized her for a minute or two.

"Al go"! Hughes shouts at Al.

Al ran to his brother.  Ed could see Lilith getting up. Al got to Ed.

"Brother are you okay"? Al asked with worry as he tried to untie the rope.

"Yeah I'm fine". Ed said to Al.

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