Chapter 21

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Hey. Thanks for the lovely support. I will be uploading Hawkeye's POV sometime later but be on the look out for that. Bye
At the cave Edward's POV

It felt like it had been 30 to 40 minutes before Lilith stop making the transmutation circle. She walked back to the group. Ed could hear her walking slowly. Ed hated how there was nothing he could do to stop Lilith. Every plan he thought could get someone killed or turned. Lilith stopped behind Ed's chair. She pulled on Ed's braid which was still intact. Lilith pulled Ed's head back enough so that Ed was now looking at Lilith. Ed remains calm. Ed knew Lilith well enough that if he start to panic then he would be giving Lilith exactly what she wanted.

"Ed you of all people should know what I was doing in the back". Lilith said with a dark tone of voice.

"You're making a transmutation circle why". Ed said trying to hide the pain in his voice.

Lilith let go of Ed's hair and walked in front of him.

"To make a bloodstone one must use the ancient form of alchemy. One that can only be used by the vampire and that is because when alchemy with first introduced to society vampires didn't know they could use it. So they took the human alchemy and changed it just enough so that they could use it. Later vampires realize that they could use the human alchemy so they abandoned it. A lot of vampires don't even know that it still exists. That is why". Lilith said.

Lilith walked away from Ed. she was walking to the tunnel.

"You will see my work soon enough but for now you just have to wait". Lilith said in the same dark tone that she used earlier. Then she disappeared into the tunnel.

At the office Al's POV

Al was still sitting on the nice leather couches. Al looked up to the clock that was handing in Roy's office. It was 11:48 A:M. Al only read a couple books. He was about to take a break when a little black book caught his eyes. Al picks it up and turned to the first page. Al knew instantly that it was his brother's handwriting.

Al I wrote you this book to tell you things that I might never be able to say out loud. Today I found that I was no longer human. That I am a mystical creature called a vampire. This is why I can't go out in the sun. Al wanted to tell you so badly but I don't want to hurt you. I don't know if I can keep the monster side of me in check. I am scared to tell anyone. Mustang doesn't even know I want to keep it that way. Al I am a monster and I had killed someone. I found out the reason why I got to shot it was so that I could turn. The person that pulled the trigger with a girl named Lilith. She has long black hair and she looks like she's 14. She is killed a lot of people. I'm so sorry Al that I can't tell you in person.

That was the first of many entries in the little black book that Al was holding. Al was shaking. He didn't know what to think. The handwriting in the little black was definitely Ed's handwriting but the things that were said in the book were hard to believe. Al felt sad for His brother couldn't tell him something this big but it felt like he should be there for his brother. Especially when Ed told Al that he killed someone. Al knew Ed and if Ed killed someone then he would be torn apart inside. Al flipped a couple pages a head. Al begins to read again.

I've been going to the library. I want to find a way to become human again. I woke up feeling like something bad was going to happen and it did. Lilith tried to kill Mustang. It was so that the military could stop the patrol. If I didn't get there in time Mustang would be dead right now. Mustang was really close to finding out what I am but now he knows that Lilith was the one that killed those people.

Lilith is the first killer Hughes would want to know that. Al thought himself.

Al felt sad for his brother. He has to find a way to become human again just like Al. Al sighed and flipped a couple more pages ahead.

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