Chapter 9

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Thank you for the lovely comments and votes. I'm so happy about that. I am also sad because I have a science test that I have to study for I  hate science. No Offensive people that love it. I just don't understand why we have to learn it. Science is taking up all my time and I don't like it. There a book that I'm reading but science is taking up on my time so I can't read a lot of it. I hope that you like this chapter~ bye

"I'm a vampire".

Ed said no louder than a whisper. Ed was so shocked from his nightmare no his memories.

No I'm not a vampire because they don't exist, their fictional things. They come from books and nightmares.

There was a part of Ed that knew that they were real and knew that this was not a dream but reality. Ed had wide eyes and he was shaking.

If I'm vampire, then how will I face Al or Winry hell even Mustang. They will be scared of me they might even hate me. No stop thinking like that because vampires aren't real.

Ed glanced at the old brown book that was lying on his nightstand.

If that book was telling the truth then I will have to kill people to survive but I would never do that. Oh God that man the man from the alleyway I killed him. No I didn't kill him and I'm not a vampire.

Ed glanced at the clock on the wall it is 9 PM.

Thank God I need some fresh air.

Ed ran out of the house into the nearby forest. He stopped running when he came to a big oak tree.

What the hell is wrong with me? It was just a nightmare.

Ed was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a rustling in a nearby bush. At least he thought that was nearby. Before he could do anything he was pinned the oak tree.

"Hello my pray".

"Lilith". Ed said with a shock voice.

"So my pray has remembered. Lilith had a smirk. So how does it feel to remember what I have done to you"?

"You son of a bitch". Ed said as he broke free from Lilith's hold.

Ed changes his automail into a blade. He started to run to Lilith.

"You never learn do you? You did the same old trick before. It's kind of getting boring". Lilith said as she dodged Ed's attack.

Ed was not expecting Lilith to move so fast. So now Ed was on the forest floor. Before Ed could get up Lilith was standing beside him. She picked Ed up by the throat.

"I'm still stronger than you are even though that you are a vampire".

Ed's vision starts to blur. Lilith let go. Ed dropped to the floor with a loud thud. He started to cough. Lilith kneeled down close to him. Lilith had her smirk on.

"Just to let you know you can't die from not breathing is impossible. You just get the same feeling that humans do and if someone does choke you to death then you will go into deep sleep then wake up same goes for anything else that will kill human, now onto a more serious note".

Lilith smile was gone it was replaced with a straight line. Her eyes didn't show playfulness but seriousness.

"You will have to feed soon".

"No...... I will never....... hurt people". Ed said as he was trying to get his coughing under control.

"Don't try to be the hero you only get burn".

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