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For the first time ever, the glee club was feeling actually pretty good about themselves, even considering winning Regionals. That was, until Rachel called an emergency meeting in the auditorium and the New Directions found their stage being used by Vocal Adrenaline, having Jesse St. James wearing the same color jacket the rest of the other team was using, clearly making it known where his loyalty lay. And it clearly wasn't with the New Directions.

"Jesse?" Rachel called, frowning a bit when she saw her boyfriend standing on stage with the rival glee club. "What are you doing up there with them?"

"I've transferred back to Carmel High, Rachel." Jesse said as Rachel gasped. "I'm sorry that it's come to this, but you guys were awful to me. You never accepted me, you never listened to my clearly superior ideas."

"Why are you here in our auditorium?"

"The blogs and the chat rooms say that we're finished, and that you guys are ripe to topple us." Jesse explained. "We just wanted to show you a little something we came up with a few days ago to see if you agree with that assessment."

And as Emily watched Jesse and Vocal Adrenaline performing a near perfect version of Another one bites the dust by Queen, all of the confidence that she had built on herself and on her team just vanished.

"Thanks for letting us borrow your auditorium, guys." One of the girls of Vocal Adrenaline smirked upon seeing everyone's sad faces. "It's quaint."

And as they left the stage, Jesse took a moment to look back at Rachel as the girl just kept on frowning at him. Emily sighed then, knowing they had lost Jesse St. Jackass for real this time, which probably meant they lost every chance they ever had at winning Regionals.


The glee club had stayed in the auditorium sulking around for a short period of time, but that had been enough time for Vocal Adrenaline to trash their whole choir room with toilet paper. Sighing, the kids got to work quietly, starting to gather the toilet paper and clean everything up until Mr. Schue walked inside and gasped at the scene.

"What happened?" He asked.

"It's a Carmel High tradition." Artie explained then. "They psych out the competition a few weeks before the big show. They call it a funkification. Meaning they show us what they've got, and we spiral into a deep black funk."

"Yeah. Yeah, we used to do the same thing to other football teams." Finn said. "You know, try and get inside their head before a big game, pull little pranks to intimidate them."

"Yeah, well, the difference was our football team sucked." Puck said. "Those guys are golden."

"Come on, keep your heads up, guys." Mr. Schue tried to cheer the kids up, as he started to pick up some toilet paper from the floor as well. "It's going to take more than that to get us into a funk."

"I feel so violated..." Tina mumbled sadly. "It's like someone broke into our home."

"Look, it was just a lame little prank." Mr. Schue said. "And the fact that they're trying to get to us means maybe we got them spooked."

"Uh-uh, Mr. Shue. They aren't afraid of anything." Emily shook her head, leaning against her broom after having been sweeping the floor for a while now. "That number they did was fantastic."

"You know, which doesn't make any sense." Mercedes commented. "They had all that equipment. How did they even get in?"

Before any of them could say anything else, however, coach Sylvester walked into the room, her usual smirked on her face as she walked straight at Mr. Schue.

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