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A/N: A favorite of mine, coming your way! Let me know what you think!

Kurt wasn't entirely sure what had actually possessed him to try and do that, but he was already halfway through with it, so why the hell not? I mean, what was the worst that could happen? Maybe a slushy to the face? But it wasn't as if he wasn't used to it already anyway. Besides, she was alone by her locker — no other Cheerios or jocks around — so that seemed to be the perfect time to do it. So, taking a deep breath, Kurt took the last few steps toward her, stopping by Emily as he spoke up, quietly.

"Hey." He said, gulping down a bit when Emily turned to face him with a raised eyebrow. "I'm, hum... I'm Kurt Hummel."

He extended a hand toward her, unsure of what else to do, but when the girl just kept staring at him for a second before turning her face away from him to look back inside her locker, he knew he was doomed.

"I know who you are, cover boy." She said, highly unamused by the whole situation. Kurt nodded quietly then, putting his hand down as he tried not to die of embarrassment just yet. "Why are you talking to me?"

"I, hum... I just... Listen. I wanted to ask you a favor." Kurt said, as Emily shook her head, closing her locker as she clutched a few books to her chest and walked around him to walk away.


"You don't even know what I'm gonna ask!" Kurt argued, following Emily around as the girl sighed.

"Look, sure, I'm in your stupid glee club, but that doesn't mean I'm about to burst out into song with you losers at any point of my day." She told him simply, still refusing to look at him as she walked toward her next class. "I have an image that I'm trying to build and hanging out with you is not the way to do it."

"But you won't have to be seen with me." Kurt insisted, as Emily sighed, trying to ignore the stares she was receiving from a few of the kids around, wondering what she was doing with the glee boy. "It'll be in my house. Look, I just need help learning a new choreography, okay?"

"And makes you think I know it?"

"I've seen you do it." Kurt shrugged, as Emily stopped walking and turned around to face him. Kurt gulped again, taking a step back, slightly terrified. "I wasn't spying on you or anything. I just heard the song coming out of the dance studio one day and I went to check what was happening. So I saw you, doing the whole routine for Single Ladies. And you're very good."

"That was supposed to be private." Emily frowned at him.

"Then you should've kept the volume down." He told her, causing Emily to raise an eyebrow again, pleasantly surprised by his sudden nerve. She opened a small smile then. "Look... I just want you to help me learn it, okay? No one needs to know."

Emily stopped then, contemplating the offer. She sighed, looking around for a second to make sure no one of importance was around before stepping closer to Kurt so she could speak a bit lower than usual.

"At your house?" She asked, as Kurt nodded.


"And no one will know?"


Relenting, she nodded then, rolling her eyes when Kurt squealed.

"Put a note with your address in my locker." She told him as he nodded, all excited. "Make sure no one sees you do it, though."


Emily had convinced Brittany to come along with her to Kurt's house knowing how good of a dancer she was as well. The two of them had taught Kurt the whole choreography and he had picked it up fairly quickly. The three kids had been down on Kurt's bedroom for the past hour and a half and, as much as Emily hated to admit it, she was having fun. They were in the middle of the third time running through the choreography when the music suddenly stopped and they looked up, in shock, only to see Kurt's dad standing by the radio.

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