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"How did you do it?"

Emily jumped back in surprise when her locker was slammed shut in front of her. Frowning in confusion, she turned around to see a very angry Santana standing beside her, with a hand flat against her locker.

"Did what?"

"How in the hell is coach Sylvester even considering having you as captain anyway?" Santana explained further. "You're just a freshman."

"Maybe I'm a good cheerleader."

"Oh, please..." Santana rolled her eyes as Emily scoffed, offended. "Your legs were all wobbly today at practice and I'm about three hundred percent sure that if you put on about five more pounds, not even the boys in the squad will be able to lift you up to the top of that pyramid."

Emily rolled her eyes then, clutching her books to her chest as she spun in her heels and walked away from Santana. The older girl was not about to let her, though, following down the hallway and grabbing her arm as she forced Emily to stop and turn back around to face her, instead.

"What?" The younger girl demanded.

"Tell me how." Santana insisted. "You're even failing on bringing down the glee club like you said to her you would, so how are you being even considered for captain next year?"

Emily scoffed a laugh then, clearly unimpressed by Santana's act and only fueling her anger.

"I don't think that's any of your business."

"Oh, see, but it is." Santana growled, her hand around Emily's arm tightening until the younger girl had to forcefully pull it back before Santana left some ugly marks in it. "Because when Quinn left, the obvious runner up for next year's captain was me. And you ruined it."

"Who said anything about you even being in the race?"

And as soon as she said it, the students that had gathered around to watch the altercation gasped in surprise, a few even snickering when Santana lifted a hand and slapped Emily hard across the face. Emily gasped, shocked, ignoring the sting in her cheek as she dropped her books to the side to jump over Santana instead, tugging at her hair before shoving the girl hard against the lockers. Santana groaned then, but rushed back toward Emily and pushed her to the ground, ready to go at her again, but being stopped by Mike, who, with the help of Matt held her back, the two of them standing in between the girls as they struggled in their grasp.

"Easy, easy..." Matt mumbled as he held back Santana.

"Knock it off, Em." Mike told his girlfriend, holding her by the waist as she glared at Santana. "Let it go, babe. It's not worth it."

"Babe..." Santana scoffed at the nickname then. "Are you that thick, Chang? Emily doesn't love you. She was never even into you to begin with! She's just using you for status like her girlfriend Fabray likes to do as well."

"Shut up!" Emily spat at Santana as the older girl laughed.

"She can't even deny it."

"Stop it, both of you." Matt demanded, exchanging a quick glance with Mike because, honestly, the two of them had had conversations about Emily before and, to be fair, none of them seemed to believe she was as invested in the relationship as he was. "Stop it, or we'll take you both to coach Sylvester!"

That seemed to have done the trick because, as soon as the words left his mouth, the two of them stopped struggling. Sure they were still glaring at one another, but both Matt and Mike had managed to let go of them without either sneaking up to attack the other. Watching as Santana walked away, Matt looked at Emily as she scoffed, fixing her ponytail and then looked over at Mike as his best friend leaned down to pick up his girlfriend's books from the floor. He sighed knowing Mike was actually pretty into Emily, but, judging by the way Mike had a frown on his face, Matt supposed Santana's words had really resonated with him and, as much as he hated it, he knew Mike would have to confront Emily about it.

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