Chapter 12

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"Alright Cub so, uh, the doctors say we can't let you do ANY physical exercises. So here's your new schedule. It's all lectures but you can do something else during the lecture if you like. I'm sure you would have heard all the things in the lectures a lot of times."
Alex nodded his thanks as he took the paper and left. Alex stuffed his ears with his beats earphones to drown out all the noises as he walked to the lecture room. He sat down at the back of the room not making a sound as he played with the Rubik's cube. He was solving it at lightning speed. Then he mixed it up and solved it again. He heard someone call his code name, he looked up, not pausing his game of Rubik's cube. The instructor looked at him surprised but asked his question anyways. "Cub, since these soldiers here can't solve this question, would you like to give it a try?"
"He can't solve it! If we can't, he can't too." A soldier shouted and the rest agreed. "Well, if he can solve the Rubik's cube without looking, I'm sure he has a right to give this question a try." Tyler said as he walked in. They all stood at attention at the sight of their sergeant. "At ease soldiers. Go on, cub." Tyler said, jerking his head to the board as he watched Alex mix up the Rubik's cube and started solving it after taking a look at it. Alex walked to the board while solving his Rubik's cube and looking at the board's question. It was a geographical question. It was asking them to pin point the exact location with the clues given. Alex finished solving his Rubik's cube in 20 seconds. He set it down on the table near the board and took the marker as he stared at the question for a few more seconds before he suddenly looked round near him and spotted his earphones. He paused the music and pulled it out from his ears and out from the jack plug from his phone. They looked at him in confusion but opted not to say anything and to watch. Alex tied the cord with the Jack near it to the marker and measured out 15 cm from the marker with his fingers. Then he placed his 15cm mark on a point and drew a circle by pulling the marker firmly against it in one circle. - this is like Taken 2, where kim's father called her and instructed her to do something's so she can find him. -
Then he drew a two more circles on other points, it overlapped each other at a few points but only one point had all three circle's touching. Alex capped the marker and tapped it on the point. "Did he just solve the question in two minutes when it took me two day even with all the compass and mathematical equipments given?" The instructor asked. "I think he did." Tyler confirmed. "Oh my god... This kid's a genius!"
"Yep. That just proved it. But the soldiers wouldn't be happy about it." Tyler whispered to the instructor. The soldiers wouldn't... What if they accidentally push Alex's limit?

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