Chapter 9

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Yassen watched as the doctor checked Alex and tried everything he can to save Alex. Yassen saw the horrific bruises littering Alex's small frame. Why didn't he tell me? Yassen wondered. Because he doesn't want you to go kill people and make more people come after him. Duh.
The doctor put a oxygen mask on Alex's pale greyish face. He looked even more weak and fragile with the mask on, it made Yassen grimace mentally. "He's alright now. What the hell happened? His internal organs are destroying itself." What? How did that happen?
"Why is he twitching?" Yassen asked. "It's his nervous system. It's a little damaged." Yassen's lip pressed into a thin line. "What happened?"
"I don't even know what happen myself..." Yassen said looking at Alex.
Alex woke up about half a day later. Alex gazed around with his unfocused eyes. "Little Alex." Yassen called quietly, Alex's eyes moved to him. It almost made Yassen flinch. His eyes... They look broken and... His looks like he's in pain. Yassen shifted closer to Alex. He saw Alex open his mouth. Then closed it. Then open it again, like he wants to speak. Yassen leaned in, putting his ear close to Alex's mouth. "Kill... Me... Please." Alex forced those words out with all his strength. It was quiet and hoarse. But at least he can talk a bit. "It... Hurts... Everything..." He whispered hoarsely. Yassen looked at Alex. "I can't. You'll pull through." Yassen said gently. Alex shook his head. "Yes you can." Yassen said. Alex fell asleep a while later. I'm so glad I have an assignment far away. I can take Alex along and they wouldn't do anything if it's not in the Scorpia's quarters where my room is...
He began making preparations to move Alex, bringing all the necessary medication and first aid.
Alex realise that they were on the move when he felt the ground cruising at a constant speed. He cracked open his eyes. Big mistake. The sun shone so brightly, it blinded him. He squeezed his eyes shut at the pain that stung his eyes. He felt someone slip something onto his face. Sunglasses. He opened his eyes slowly so that he doesn't kill his eyes by accident. He looked out the window then looked at the driver. Yassen. He took his eyes off the road slightly to glance at Alex. Alex looked at him questioningly. "We're going to Serbia." Alex nodded to tell Yassen he heard. "You hungry?" Yassen asked as he drove to the airport. Alex shook his head. Alex still doesn't talk... And still doesn't want to eat.

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