Chapter 18: summer of fifth year

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"I never knew you were such a great liar, Sirius," whispered Frank, as the rest of the family continued eating.

"Yeah, I'm a natural, aren't I? But I was telling the truth for half of it. Prongs is a stuttering fool when it comes to girls, especially Lily..."

"Padfoot, look at the time! Reckon we should go now?" said James, glaring at his best friend.

"But we just got here, Prongsies!" whined Sirius, pouting. "Oh, fine. I have to write a letter to Arabella anyway."

"Who's Arabella?" asked Algie curiously.

"My girlfriend," was the brief reply.

"I thought you were going to break up with her."

Sirius gave Frank a "help-me-your-brother's-trying-to-make-me-kill" look. Frank responded at once.

"Now, Al, mind your own business."

"Aww...c'mon, Frank, I want to know your friends' love lives!"

"No, I think that your love life is more interesting," said Sirius hastily. "So, what about you, Mr. Starting Fourth Year at Hogwarts? Surely you have a girlfriend! Why, I've had Arabella ever since second year—"

"I'm too young," said Algie, turning crimson. "'Sides, no girl would want me, since they think that I've got a funny's all Mum's fault! She wanted to name me after Dad's brother."

"Algie," reprimanded Mr. Longbottom, glaring at his youngest son threateningly.

"Sorry, Dad. But it's true! If I had a sexy name like Jason, then all the girls would be swarming around me, drooling! After all, I do have good looks."

James, Sirius, and Frank chortled at this.

"That's Wood's name," said James, choking. "Surely you don't want to share the same name with a Quidditch maniac, now, do you?"

"Oh, that reminds me, Prongs," said Sirius, grinning, "you're the new Quidditch captain now."

"You are?" shrieked Algie, his eyes glinting. "Oh, man, I have got to try out for Keeper, then, since Wood's gone. Any other spaces available."

"Yeah, Volga's left, too," said Frank, through a mouthful of pancakes. "He's one of the Chasers like James. Other one's Lee Johnson."

"Seeker's George Brach and Beaters are Sirius and Cassia Soon-To-Be-Wood," finished James.

"Cassia's dating Wood," added Sirius, seeing the puzzled look upon the younger boy's face.

"I used to have a major crush on Cassia in our first year," said Frank. "But then it went away, since Wood seemed to take an interest in her, and since I moved on to Alice." He bit his lip.

"Why aren't you writing to Alice lately, Frank?" asked Mrs. Longbottom sternly. "Surely you two haven't had a fall-out, have you?"

"Er—we had an argument, is all."

"Well, make up with her soon, Frank, since I really like Alice and I'd die if I have a different daughter-in-law."

Frank laughed nervously, looking pleadingly at James and Sirius.

"Look, Frankie, my lad," whispered the James, "write to Alice, or something. Tell her how you're feeling."

"I suppose you're right, James," sighed Frank dismally. "Would she care, though?"

"She would," he replied quietly, his eyes clouding with sadness. "But if only Lily would as well for me."

"Can you believe Remus?" said Jennifer angrily.

"What is it?" asked Arabella anxiously.

"He hasn't been in contact with me since Lily and Jam—I mean, since the end of the year." She blushed at her blunder and was carefully avoiding Lily's eyes.

Arabella snorted. "I wouldn't let that bother me too much, Jen. The Marauders are afraid of us. Trust me, I know, since, if you've already forgotten, I'm dating a Marauder as well."

"Afraid of us?" repeated Violet incredulously, as she lounged comfortably in a tête-à-tête in the Figgs' family room. "Why?"

"Well, Lily," she amended. "Sorry, Lils," she added quickly.

"It's all right," said Lily, her green eyes dull. "I suppose they're mad at me because of J—Potter."

"They're not mad, they're just afraid. They're afraid that your hatred for James will turn the whole future upside-down, since you keep pushing him away whenever he gets closer."

"I do not!"

Jennifer snorted. "Don't give us that, Lily. You know it yourself. James is head-over-heels for you; practically the whole school knows it. Haven't you noticed that James hasn't gone on a single date since fifth year? Because he loves you, Lily! And it hurts him a lot that you're always being cold to him and pushing him away out of love."

"That's very romantic, Jen, but it's definitely not true. love with me? Ridiculous!"

"It's not," insisted Violet softly. "I've heard the school gossips, and they all know that James loves you. But I think that you're afraid of him, Lily. You're afraid that if James gets close enough to you, you'll fall in love too."

"So that's it!" exclaimed Arabella, punching her fist into the air. "Lil, Vi's right! You're afraid to love, aren't you? You think that when you're in love, you become vulnerable."

"Well, you do," admitted Lily. "I mean, look at all that stuff that you and Sirius have been through..."

"But that's the beauty of it, Lily! You can't have a relationship without fights, bickers, break-ups, jealousies, and get-back-togethers. It's just, wrong."

"'Tis true," agreed Violet, her dark eyes scrutinizing Lily.

"What about Remus and I?" said Jennifer nervously. "Does that mean we're not normal?"

"Oh, you'll have a fight soon, don't worry," reassured Arabella. "I mean, you're already not speaking to each other. 'Sides, I wouldn't look forward to it too much, since you've seen those fights between Sirius and I and Lily and James."

"Don't worry, we'll never forget them either," added Lily, grinning.

"Oh, stop." Bella turned red.

Just then, there was a sharp tapping noise on the window, and the girls immediately saw that it was an owl. Arabella opened the window and clutched the small twittering owl in her hands, and recognized it as Bludger, Sirius' beloved owl.

Dear Bellsies,

I know you probably hate me right now, but I hope that the – er – incident with Lily and James doesn't spoil our relationship. I mean, those two stubborn prats need to sort out some priorities; don't you think so, my dear?

If you want to send me any more letters, then send them to the Potter Mansion. Yep, I'm living with Prongs now, since I couldn't stand my family any longer.

We're all (including Remus and Peter) hanging out at James' place for a while, and I'd be much obliged if we can meet at your house, as James is having relations over for three weeks. Please, Bella?

All right, I didn't write this letter for nothing...I want to tell you something very important at your house, if we Marauders can come.

'Till we meet again,


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