Chapter 8: fifth year

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"Bad luck, Prongs," whispered Sirius.

He didn't respond. Instead, his hazel eyes became glazed as he looked into Lily's eyes. They were flashing dangerously at him and sparkling furiously. For the first time, James realised that Lily Evans was very beautiful. He noticed her long, dark red hair and her stunning green eyes. Why hadn't he noticed her beauty before? That was probably what made him not make a witty or biting comment after Lily's explosion. He simply stayed silent and continued to gaze at Lily like he had never seen her before.

After a while, Lily felt quite unnerved at James was staring at her intently. What did that stupid prat want from her, staring at her like she was a whole new person? She scowled fiercely at him and frowned, but he continued to look into her brilliant green eyes. What was wrong with Potter?

"Potter, stop staring at me," she hissed venomously, as this continued on for quite some time.

Unable to control themselves, their six friends snickered rather loudly. Sirius and Arabella were looking hopefully at the couple, perhaps wishing that they would start pouncing all over each other at any moment. Remus and Jennifer just looked at each other and gave knowing looks, as if they understood exactly what was going on. Violet and Peter just looked at them, waiting for James' answer. It came a few seconds later.

"Why should I?"

She narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean, why should you? I told you to!"

"Yes, Evans, you did. But it's a free country, isn't it?"

"Not quite. It is in the States, however."

"Have you ever been there? I have. It's quite a delightful place, you know."

Their friends (as well as everyone else in the common room) were staring at them, dumbstruck. Lily had just yelled at James for being a prat, James had provoked her by staring at her incessantly, and now they were both having a cool conversation about the States. It was a bit too much for some of the watching Gryffindors.

"Oh, yes, Potter, I have been to the States. I've been to Ellis Island before. Very enjoyable, especially that Statue of Liberty."

"Really? I've been to Hollywood in California. And you should see how huge those Muggle actors' mansions are!"

"Even larger than yours?"

"Considerably larger, I suppose, though it is a difficult comparison."

"Hello?" Sirius was ready to explode as Lily had done. "Why are you guys just having a normal conversation here? You're supposed to yell at each other or something!"

The couple looked at Sirius like he was crazy, which he was, of course.

"Why should we yell at each other?" asked Lily icily.

"Why? Because—because—"

"Oh, Sirius, shut up and let them have their conversation," snapped Arabella, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend. "It's quieter this way. Now come ON, you have to help me on my Astronomy homework; you know how hopeless I am at the subject."

"But Bella..."

"NOW, Sirius."

Pouting, he followed his girlfriend to a table where a handful of Gryffindors were studying, though still watching the whole situation in the corner of their eyes.

"What was that about?" wondered Lily aloud.

James shrugged. "Hey, we have weird best friends."


"Are we actually agreeing on something, Evans, or is it my imagination?"

Lily smiled. "I think, Potter, that we are agreeing on something. Rare occasion, I must admit. This calls for a celebration."

"Unless if you have a prefect's meeting tonight." He raised his eyebrows.

She swore. "Or maybe not."

"Ooh, you have a dirty mouth, Evans." He tutted rather loudly. "No, no, ickle prefects don't say bad words, Evans."

"Oh, sod off."

Lily sighed, staring at the situation in front of them. James and Snape were glaring menacingly at each other, looking like they were wishing the other nothing but ill will. Snape had hexed James while he was heading for the school grounds, and now the two prats were duelling. Or, at least hexing each other until a teacher was in sight.




"Petrificus Totalus!"

James' whole body stood stiff as a board and fell onto the ground with a painful crash. Many of the bystanders gasped, and some of the girls started to whimper and cry. They obviously belonged to the James Potter Fan Club.

"Git," muttered Sirius, clenching his knuckles. He quickly went next to James and took his wand out, about to say the counter-curse, but a shriek from the end of the corridor stopped him.

McGonagall was shaking with fury as she glared at the students crowding around the stiff body of James Potter.

"Who—did—this?" she managed to say.

Everyone looked at each other and then pointed accusing fingers at Snape, who was now completely white.

James and Lily Potter: Fifth YearWhere stories live. Discover now