Chapter 2: fifth year

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"How was it?" asked Arabella eagerly, as a disgruntled Lily and Remus entered the compartment and collapsed into seats.

"It was hell," groaned Remus, shaking his head.

Not only were the prefect duties a "living hell", but the fifth years were to take their first standardised test this year—the dreaded O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizard Levels). The teachers made sure that they had plenty of homework the first week by giving them essays and readings from the book, and also plenty of review work as well. McGonagall and Hurst took this advantage very pleasantly, so to speak.

"This—is—hell," breathed James, as he dug his fingers painfully into his messy jet-black hair.

"Oh, don't be such a wet blanket, Potter," said Lily cheerfully. "This isn't as bad as I had expected."

"WHAT?" He gave her a hollow stare.

"Yeah, I expected worse," she said, nodding and smiling.

James groaned and let his head fall onto the table with a loud "thump". Everyone in the Gryffindor common room glared at him, especially the fifth and seventh years, who were also struggling with their O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. homework, respectively. He glared right back, and everyone quickly went back to their work again.

"Stupid people," he muttered.

"Oh, don't be so cynical, Potter," continued Lily in the same singsong voice.

"Lily, stop pestering the poor boy so," chided Violet. "He's trying to do his homework. Merlin knows we have so much of it, and we're not all as clever as you."

"Do stop it, Vi. I'm not so clever as you think, and I'm definitely not finished yet. I need some serious tutoring in Transfiguration." She groaned loudly.

"Transfiguration?" repeated James, almost laughing. "I finished that ages ago! And Perfect Prefect Evans hasn't finished it before me?"

"Oh, stuff it, Potter," snapped Lily. "I can do without your taunting, you know. I'm having enough troubles as it is without you challenging my Transfiguration abilities."

"I have high Transfiguration abilities," boasted James. "I can help you if you like, Evans. That is, if you help me with Charms."

Lily thought about it for a moment. She could have James help her in the cursed essay, and be finished with all the homework, and still have it easy with helping James in Charms, as it was her easiest and best subject. But she still had her pride at stake. Having James help her would mean that she was giving into his pleas and woos, and Lily did not want to be subdued of her hatred for him.

"Sorry Potter, no deal," she said simply. "I can handle it myself, thank you very much."

James cursed silently to himself. He knew that she'd say no. He knew that Lily had a lot of pride in herself and did not want to lose that pride if she agreed to get help. H knew that she was very independent and did not want to depend on others to do the nasty work, in this case, a Transfiguration essay, for her.

"I can help you, Lily," offered Arabella, thinking that her best friend simply refused James' offer because she hated him.

"No, but thank you anyway, Bells."

Arabella was surprised and exchanged bewildered looks with Sirius. She thought that she knew Lily Evans very well, but now there was a new outlook on this.

"Why should Lily refuse my help? I'm not that bad at Transfiguration!" She whispered to Sirius.

"Lily has pride, Bella. She doesn't want to give in that easily...only if it's a desperate situation, then she might as for help."

"What?" Arabella was aghast. "I'm her best friend!"

"Doesn't matter."

"I hate you, Sirius. You are officially the bearer of bad news."

"What did I do?" Sirius was surprised. "Don't peck at me; I was just stating the mere truth."

"The truth is bad, Sirius. You should only state the good truth."

"Well, you did want to know. So, I told you."

"You could have told me 'no Bella, but the truth will cause you great distress'."

Sirius let out a yell of frustration, causing the study absorbed Gryffindors to jump in alarm.

"What's gotten into you, Padfoot?" said James.

"Bella's mocking me," was his brusque reply.

"I am not!" cried Arabella defensively. "I was just telling you what I expect of you, as my boyfriend."

Several people snickered at this comment, but many boys looked suddenly downhearted. Rumours flew since Arabella and Sirius had broken up last year, and they were now upset that their chances with her were very slim, now that they made up again.

"Hey, Arabella!" called out one brave sixth year. "Go out with me. Dump Black and go out with me, and you'll have anything you want."

The Marauders roared with laughter, and the girls giggled at Arabella. Her face flamed red.

"Not a chance, Demise!" she shouted back. "Black's my man and no one's going to replace him."

"Ha! You only want him 'cause he's a pureblood and that his family are all noble, not to mention snobby and are mostly Slytherins."

Sirius glared at him. "Shut it, Juan, before things get bad. Don't you DARE insult my family, you low-life—"

"Yeah, yeah, dirty half-blood," said Juan Demise, rolling his eyes. "I've heard it before, Black, I've heard it before."

"Actually, I was going to say arrogant jerk," replied Sirius calmly. "I really don't care what type of blood someone has, unlike the rest of my family. But I saw you flirting with my cousin Narcissa last week when old Lucius wasn't looking. Shame on you, Denise."

"You flirted with Narcissi?" choked James between coughs. "Oh, Juan, you are a joker, mate."

Juan blushed. "I didn't know who she was!" he cried helplessly. "I thought she was one of those gorgeous girls from Hufflepuff. It never occurred to me that she was a Slytherin, or a Black."

"Or Malfoy's beloved girlfriend," added Sirius.

"All right, I get it, Black! You don't want to dump your girlfriend. I'll ask her best friend then. Hey, Evans, want to go out with me?"

James closed his eyes and sucked in his breath, waiting for the answer. For some strange reason, he didn't want Lily to go out with Juan...but what did it matter to him? She wasn't his girlfriend, so she had the freedom of deciding whatever she wanted.

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