6. Potter Recovery and Speaking Clearly

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Are you sure about this (Y/N)? Maybe Harry's not in that much trouble. I think we should just go back."

Despite Ron's uneasiness (or to be more accurate fear) there was no way (Y/N) would give up and if he was being honest, Ron was starting to piss (Y/N) off.

"Ron, Harry is your best friend. I know you didn't meet the Dursley's last year, but as I've been telling you they're bad people. That's based on like thirty seconds of talking to them as well, say what you want I know people and they're evil. Harry hasn't answered yours or my letters and when we asked Hermione she said he hadn't answered hers. Do you need anymore proof? Trust me on this Ron, if there is one thing I'm sure about, it's that we're doing this."

Ron looked (Y/N) dead in the eye and nodded. Ron gave him a nervous smile and (Y/N) grinned confidently.

"Real nice moral code you've got there (Y/N), but have you ever had to drive in the dark! Even with the headlights on I can't see anything!" From the drivers seat of the car came George's voice. He wasn't scared like Ron but he was still annoying.

"Stop complaining George! I offered to switch places at least ten times because of your complaints but you keep refusing!"

"That's because you almost hit a lamppost you twit! I'd rather not have to explain to dad that we let a twelve year old crash his car!" From the front passenger seat came the voice of Fred, like his brothers he was bringing (Y/N) to his breaking point.

"Alright first thing, George complain one more time I dare you! If you do I'm going to reach for the wheel and send us straight for the ground! Second thing, Fred you can't really be implying you two are that much older than me! Also every other lamppost on that street was lit and that one wasn't! Anyone could've hit that! So please can you all shut up and just focus on breaking Harry out of his hellhole!"

A silence fell over the group until George spoke in a hushed voice, "At least you had those lampposts to see, these headlights are rubbish."

True to his word (Y/N) lunged at George and every Weasley brother present cried out. "NO!"


Harry's POV

As the flying car pulled up he managed to see Fred, George and Ron Weasley. "What are you three doing here?" Harry peered out of the bars on his window and when Ron went to speak a fourth person made themselves known as his voice called out from behind Ron.

"It's actually four Harry and isn't it obvious what we're doing here. We're saving you." (Y/N) moved Ron to one side and Harry could have a clear view of his face.

He had his dopey grin on show but it was replaced by an unusual angry look. "Bars on your window. What did I tell you Ron?"

(Y/N) slapped Ron lightly on the back of his head and called out to the twins. "Alright looks like stealth isn't an option. Move the car further away, Ron grab the winch."

As one of the twins moved the car, Ron grabbed a hook and hooked it onto the base of the bars. "Alright Harry get your stuff ready. I don't know if the walrus is fast. George floor it!"

As (Y/N) called out, George did as he said and drove forwards. As George drove the bars around Harry's windows snapped off and while Ron was dragging the hook back up, (Y/N) called out to Harry. "Alright Harry let's hurry up!"

With (Y/N)'s help Harry managed to load all of his stuff into the back of the car and as soon as (Y/N) put Hedwig safe in the car, he extended an arm out for Harry to grab. "Come on!"

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