15. Deathday Party

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(Y/N)'s POV

He sat in the Common Room alone just reading over his notes for Charms. Flitwick's tutoring sessions technically counted as an extra curricular activity so that meant (Y/N) couldn't attend them anymore. It didn't stop Flitwick from sending notes on various charms as well enchanted pillows that (Y/N) could practice on without exploding them to pieces.

He did have to do it in secret though and was finishing up reading on the Summoning Charm with the intention on trying it out but as he stood up, (Y/N) heard the footsteps of someone as they walked through the portrait hole.

He sat back down, sank into his armchair as Ginny passed him with tears in her eyes. (Y/N) immediately called out to her and she looked like she'd die of fright. "(Y-Y-Y/N) what are you doing here?"

"Kind of got in trouble remember. Can't leave without permission and my teachers were getting in trouble because they kept handing those permission slips out without a second thought."

"W-W-Well were is Hermione, Ron and Harry?"

(Y/N) motioned for Ginny to sit down near him and although she appeared hesitant, she sat down in the armchair opposite him. "Harry's at Quidditch practice. Told Hermione and Ron to go to the practice, can't expect them to stay cooped up with me all the time. Trust me when I say it's not much fun anyway. Enough about me though, what's the matter."

Ginny went wide eyed and put on a forced smile. "Nothing, I-I'm fine."

(Y/N)'s brow furrowed and he put on a much more serious tone. "No one's fine and cries their eyes out. Ginny, is something happening with other people? Are they bullying you?"

Ginny stood up and furiously waved her arms in front of her as she frantically spoke. "No it's really no-"

"Is it classes? If you're falling behind the teachers can help you, me and Hermione won't mind if you ask us."

"Really it's nothing. It's just..." Ginny completely trailed off and sank back down into her chair as she hung her head low and tears dropped down onto her lap. "There's this person I talk to. They keep trying to make me...do things. Things I don't want do."

(Y/N) stood up, walked over to Ginny, kneeled on one knee in front of Ginny and clasped his hands on hers. "Ginny, listen to me. You should tell McGonagall about this. Or at least someone you trust. Whoever this person is, they shouldn't try to pressure you into anything. You don't have to tell me but at least tell a teacher. Or your dad, brothers and if you are going to your family. Go to your mum, if there's one person in this world I'm afraid of, it's Mrs Weasley. She'll tear this person a new one."

Ginny chuckled through her tears and looked at (Y/N). "I can't (Y/-"

"Ginny if you can't tell your family or a teacher, let me do it. Or let me meet this person, it's a hard thing to accomplish but I can be scarier than your mum at times."

Once again Ginny chuckled and stood up. "I'll tell my mum. You're right, she's scary. She'll probably send them a Howler." This time (Y/N) chuckled as he stood up and Ginny slammed him into a hug.

"Well I'll take this as a thank you."

Ginny let go and gave (Y/N) a teary smile before she rushed up her staircase to go into her room. (Y/N) knew that he should leave it to Ginny but he thought that it would be nice if one of her brothers would help her.

(Y/N) sat back down in his armchair and let out a sigh. He hung his head and thought to himself. That went better than I thought it would.


He waited in the Common Room and watched as it filled with people. He hadn't moved since his talk with Ginny and intended on talking to one of her brothers. Both Fred and George were the first he spotted but after seeing the salamander the two of them had, he decided against telling them. They could both be brotherly and supportive but (Y/N) felt they lacked a sense of maturity.

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