33. The End of Another Year

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(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N) had been to several Hogwarts feasts, but never once quite like this. He walked into the Great Hall to see everybody in their pyjamas, apart from a few people like him, Harry and Ron. (Y/N) took a seat next to Harry as he stretched his legs.

He ate happily for a few minutes until the doors to the Great Hall opened. A tidal wave of cheers broke out and when (Y/N) turned his head to see, he knew why.

All those who had been petrified had started to rush into the Great Hall, met with cheers and whistles. One by one they joined their house tables with hugs from their friends and members of their house alike.

There was no surprise that (Y/N) almost had a heart attack when he saw a familiar face. Her bushy brown hair stuck out the moment she entered. Her soft brown eyes darted around the Great Hall and eventually they locked with (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes.

Hermione was back.

(Y/N) just sat there gobsmacked. He knew that Hermione would come back eventually but he didn't know how to react. The two of them stared at each, both still as statutes until (Y/N) rose from his seat.

"(Y/N)," said Harry, "what're you —"

Harry stopped speaking when he noticed Hermione too. He tapped Ron on the shoulder and the both of them quickly jumped out of their seats and ran over to Hermione.

(Y/N) slowly walked over to them. Witnessing Harry and Hermione giving each other a hug. Hermione and Ron going to hug but their faces straining and eventually they settled on an awkward handshake.

Hermione looked towards (Y/N) and tears began to form in her eyes.

Oh God, they're happy tears right? They have to be, who cries when they see their friend after so long?

Hermione walked over to (Y/N), silent, until a smile formed on her face and she practically threw herself into (Y/N). The two of them hugged each other tight as Hermione began to ramble.

"You solved it! You solved it!" she breathlessly exclaimed.

"Yeah, we did. Only took us a few weeks — we got there though," said (Y/N), breaking the hug and giving Hermione a smile.

"Miss me?" smirked Hermione, her voice high pitched as she teased (Y/N).

"You bet I did Granger," said (Y/N) before the two of them shared another hug.

A few more surprises came that night. Like when Justin Finch-Fletchley came over to Harry and almost ripped his arm off as he shook his hand vigorously while he profusely apologised. He gave (Y/N) a slight look of worry, like he was scared to apologise, but (Y/N) just grinned and Justin sighed before walking back to the Hufflepuff table.

Hagrid returned next, around half past three the enormous man walked along the Gryffindor table up to (Y/N), Hermione, Harry and Ron. Cuffing Harry and Ron on the shoulders so, unintentionally, hard that the two of them were knocked into their plates of trifle.

He apologised before he just extended a hand out for (Y/N) to shake that he gratefully accepted. "Great to have you back Hagrid."

Since (Y/N), Harry and Ron had secured Gryffindor six hundred last-minute points. They had won the House Cup for the second year running. (Y/N) took enjoyment in seeing Hermione's mouth gaping open when Dumbledore announced her friends had just gotten two hundred points apiece.

Professor McGonagall gave probably the biggest surprise of them all. She stood up to announce that exams had been cancelled as a school treat. (Y/N) has to indulge Hermione by pretending to be sad that they were cancelled because she was the only one who seemed to care.

The Chamber of Secrets (Hermione Granger X Male Reader Insert)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt