Chapter 3

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~The top two knives are Jeff's and the bottom two are Lyra's.~

Lyra's POV

I follow Jeff nervously through the dark woods. It was my seventh day of training and he told me it was time for a field test... I mean yeah I wanted to be a killer, but I was still terrified! I chuckled quietly to myself at the remembrance of Jeff's face when I came downstairs dressed in a black hoodie with white ripped skinny jeans with black converse on.

Let's just say Jeff wasn't very amused... but still liked it anyway..?

"Okay we are gonna hit this house. I have been watching it and it seems like the only inhabitants are two college aged girls. Easy enough!" I swallowed hard as I followed Jeff quickly. We entered through the back door that was stupidly left unlocked. "How original.." I mutter under my breath. As we head upstairs me and Jeff hear the low thump of music.

We reach the door and stare at it disgusted. The song coming from the room was that 'Grind on Me' song that was a big fad...

"Welp! That's your victim!" Jeff announced before quickly disappearing down the hall. I cringed as I heard kissing noises over the music.... I sighed heavily as I withdrew my knives ready to end this horror.

I slowly opened the door and looked in seeing that the couple was not looking. I crept inside and raised a knife then brought it down quickly. Piercing the person on top's back, hitting their heart. The girl under the guy screamed as I threw him to the floor and reveled her nakedness to the world. I cringed before stabbing her in the throat. She gurgled helpless as blood and my knife cut off her oxygen supply. I rip it out and watch as the girl dies, the light leaving her eyes. I stand there for a moment before flinching at the sound of clapping. I turn to see Jeff applauding my work with a crazed smile on his face. He had a glazed look in his eyes which told me he had let the feeling of killing and insanity take over.

He glided over to me, giggling insanely as he put his hands on my shoulders. "Your father and mother would be so proud!!! HahahHAhA!! Come Lyra let's find some where else to hit!!" Jeff said madly as he jogged out of the room and out the house. I smiled as I quickly chased after him.

It was hard keeping up with Jeff. He took people out left and right, laughing maniacally as he did. I followed behind him, but only managed to get seven kills to his fifteen! By the time we were back in the comforts of the woods I was leaned over panting like I was dying.

"Jeff... Jeff how... How do you do this without getting tired?" I asked looking up at him. Jeff turned and gave me a smile, but it seemed he was finally coming down from his high. "I've been doing this since I was thirteen Lyra!" Jeff laughed casually. Thank god! His giggles of insanity were starting to grate my nerves! Now I see where Kairi gets it from!

We made our way home slowly. Jeff told me stories about his first kills and how he met Slendy. I was so engrossed in the stories I didn't notice the house come in to view. I smiled as I saw dad and mom come outside on the porch to greet us. Suddenly my dad came running at me, he grabbed me up in a hug and spun me around happily.

"Oh my Lyra baby had her first killing spree! What was her body count Jeff?!" Dad asked excitedly. His twitches acting up from how excited he was. "Seven! A good start for her first time!" Jeff said proudly. My mom clapped happily as my dad enveloped me in another tight hug. I hugged back, feeling safe in the warmth of my dad's hug.

"Come on Lyra! Slendy made dinner to celebrate our first week of officially being killers and Proxies!" Kairi yelled from the door before running off in to the house.

After dinner I took a shower and head to my room. I fall asleep quickly...


I wake up later that night unable to fall back asleep. I finally decided to just take a walk to tire myself out again.

I dress in all black quickly and then quietly make my way out of the house, but not before strapping my knives in their holsters and hiding them under my hoodie.

I walk through the woods until I make it to a park. Since it was most likely early morning no one was here. I take a seat on a swing and softly move back and forth. Everything was quiet and I was able to relax without worry.

"Hey. What's a pretty girl like you doing in the park at this time of night." I heard a young male voice say suddenly. I jump from my swing and look behind me. A teenage boy smiled at me brightly and waved. I narrowed my eyes at him keeping my threatened stance. "Why are you out this late?" I asked darkly. He chuckles happily before taking a few steps closer, he was now just on the other side of the swing. I looked him up and down. He had short brown hair and hazel eyes. He was also kinda skinny and a few inches taller than me.

"I was taking a walk to clear my mind when I saw you out here alone. You know that's dangerous right?" I scoffed at him. "I could say the same for you. What's your name?" I asked flatly.

"Devon Hale. You?" I thought up a fake name quickly. "Layla Stillinski." I said confidently. Devon nodded committing the name to memory. "Yeah that's not your real name. I could see your eyes dart away slightly when you said that. Come on out with it." I growled lowly at him. "Lyra Rogers. Ya happy now?" I asked meanly. Devon chuckled happily his eyes still bright as ever.

"You are feisty! Why are you so guarded Lyra?" Before I could answer someone grabbed my upper right arm painfully.

"It's none of your business boy! Now you go home and do not speak of what you saw here tonight or I'll be paying you a little visit" Jeff growled pointing his knife at Devon angrily. Devon laughed lowly before turning and leaving. Before I could utter a word Jeff is dragging me to the woods.

"Ow Jeff let go! You are hurting me!" I whimpered fighting against his hold. Jeff released me and turned to me, his face riddled with rage. "What possessed you to sneak out of the house?! Do you know what kind of trouble you could get in to?! What if your DAD was the one to find you out talking to a human boy!" I lowered my head in shame as Jeff's words put me in my place. Suddenly Jeff sucked in air through his teeth and grabbed the back of his neck.

"Ow what the fuck was that?!" He gasped looking around. I moved his hair to see a stinger in the back of his neck. I gently pulled it out and dropped it to the ground. "Something... stung you? Bees aren't out yet?" I said questioningly. He rubbed his neck angrily as he grumbled. Then it hit me!

"Hey... how did you know I was out and where I was?" I asked confused. "You are my Proxy. I can feel it if you are distressed and there is a pull to your location if I need to find you... its weird I can't explain it to you, but it's what happens when I'm your owner. So for the degrading term." Jeff sighed as we made our way home again.

Jeff followed me to my room to make sure I was there and then left to go back to bed. I just hope he didn't tell my Dad and Mom... But what still bothers me is that Devon wasn't even scared of Jeff... he even laughed at his threat.

I'll have to find him again and gather answers.

~~~Chapter 3!!! Hope you guys will like it and if you catch the teen wolf reference good job xD!! As for now GasMask out!!!~~~

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