Chapter 5

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~Theme song of the chapter: Sweet Dreams are made of this by Emily Browning~

"What do you want us to do with him doctor?"

"Take him to be tested in room 23B."

"Yes sir."

What's going on? Why can't I see anything? I try to touch my face, but my hands are tied down. Along with my chest, waist, and legs! Where am I?! Why am I moving?!

I finally figured out I was on a gurney!! I could hear the yells and cries of other people around me, I now know where I am... I'm in a mental hospital. No!!! Why am I back here!!!?? I escaped long ago!!!
Let me go!!!

I started struggling against my restraints as they pushed the gurney somewhere I didn't know. "Come on calm down. It will be okay we are just gonna run a few tests and ask some questions." I female voice said softly. This didn't stop me from continuing my struggle. "What's the problem?" I heard a male voice say a little ways to my left.

"It's alright James he is just scared." the female voice says. I try yanking my arms out the entire ride, but the think straps held fast. "Ah, you finally arrived! Did he give you some trouble?" A new male voice asked after we went through a door. "A little. I think he just woke up and got scared since we put the wrap over his eyes." the female voice replied. "We let's get him strapped in and we will start." the male voice said back.

I felt lots of hands moving over me. They were undoing the straps! Once the last one was gone I went to struggling again, successfully getting the thing over my eyes off. I took in the room and saw another padded bed in the middle of the room with a giant light over it. Three men struggled to get me to the bed seeing as I fought against them. Sadly the finally slammed me down and strapped me up once more. Suddenly the big light clicked on blinding me.

"Oh sorry, I forget that you can somehow see!" The male voice chuckled as he came in to view. I looked at the name tag on his white jacket to see it said, Dr. Fisher. I continued my struggling as he poked and prodded on me to check me over. He would mumble some things to the nurse as he went who wrote the information down on a clip board. I looked to my right as another nurse came up to me with a needle in hand.

"NO! GET AWAY!" I screamed trying to kick my legs and wriggling around to make it harder for her to get my arm. "Sh, it's okay! It's okay! I'm just gonna take a little blood okay?" She said nicely. I watched fearfully as she stuck the needle in and drew a good bit of blood. "Did you get everything doctor?" The other nurse, Ann, as I recall from the doctor saying earlier.

"Almost I just need to examine the eyes and then we can start with the questioning." Dr. Fisher said coming over to me with a new pair of gloves on. Ann rolled a cart with many tools up next to the bed beside Dr. Fisher. "This will burn slightly." he said before using a syringe to squirt some kind of liquid in my right eye. I shook my head and flailed around as he studied me. "Hold his head still please." Fisher said irritably. Ann and the other nurse came over and held my head down as Fisher used some kinda thing to get a close look of my eye. "Okay I got everything I need." Dr. Fisher said as he pushed a button on the bottom of the bed. It jerked slightly before slowly angling horizontally. It stopped moving before it could go straight up and down, now I faced Dr. Fisher as he sat in a rolling chair giving me a irritated smile. Fuck you too!

"Okay all the bad stuff is over now. I just want to ask you some questions Jeff." Dr. Fisher said looking at a clip board again. I huffed at him as he jots some things down. "No! Fuck you! I don't want to!" I scream fighting against the straps on the bed.

"Come now Jeffery don't be that way! I wanna be your friend! I'm not gonna hurt you any further. I just wanna know some information." Fisher said giving me a surprised smile, probably at my sudden burst of words. "...Okay." I say calmly.

"Jeff do you see things that shouldn't be there? Have you been having any hallucinations?" I shake my head at his question and he writes it down.

"Do your eyes ever itch or burn?" Again I shake my head no.

"Do you have the urge to kill right now?" I stare at him for a while blankly. "No." I say emotionless.

"What made you do this to yourself? Why did you mutilate your face?" I grit my teeth and give him a low growl. "I didn't 'mutilate' my face! I made myself better! I'm beautiful!" I snap.

Fisher nods as he writes everything down. This getting to be annoying fast!

"Do you feel any remorse for killing that boy? Randy." Okay I hate you! "NO! HE TRIED TO KILL ME FIRST! HE NEEDED TO GO TO SLEEP!" I scream angrily as I flail around again.

"Do you feel remorse for killing your own family Jeff?! Do you care?!" Fisher asked over my tantrum. "NO!" I scream giving a wide smile and staring him straight in the eyes. I fight harder against my straps until I hear something pop on the bed. "Okay that's all we can do for now. Sedate him and take him back to his room." Fisher said gathering his things. I look around angrily as a male nurse comes over with a sedative. I freeze up as I see the shot. I don't wanna go back to sleep!!

I fight against the straps more and scream as the man sticks me. I cry out and fight as I feel the weight of sleep coming back once more and then everything goes black as they put the wrap back on my eyes.


"NO!!! DONT TOUCH ME! LET ME UP!!" I scream jumping up in my bed. "Whoa whoa Jeff it's alright! Calm down you are home!" EJ says placing his hands on my shoulders. I breathe heavily as I take in mine and Lilith's bedroom. I let EJ lean me back down as I calm myself from the night terror.

"Are you okay? You caught a sudden fever and your body tried to overheat last night." EJ asked quietly looking concerned. "Yeah... I feel fine now. A lot better if I didn't have that stupid nightmare." EJ nods in understanding as Lyra slowly opens the door. "Hey Jeff. You feeling better?" She asks quietly coming over to the bed.

"Yeah I'm okay now Lyra. How long was I out?" I ask. "About 18 hours. You had us pretty worried. Lilith and Kairi went to talk to Zalgo to see if he could think of anything that could cause this. Also because we needed some supplies." EJ explains. "Jeff do you know how you got that spot on the back of your neck?" Roxy asks suddenly, startling me. "Something stung me about a month ago. Why?" Roxy grimaces at me which confuses me.

"You tried scratching at it the whole time in your sleep as you mumbled in what seemed like another language. You scratched deep enough to break skin at one point. We had to wrap your hands so you couldn't anymore." Roxy explains. "Are you going into another insanity spell?" EJ asks forcefully. "What?! No! Guys I'm fine I promise." I say giving a genuine smile. EJ gave me an odd look before dropping the subject.

"Get better soon Jeff." Lyra said giving me a sad smile. "Heh, I will! Toby and Alaine still riding you hard?" I ask playfully. "No... Slenderman is. He grounded me for a month and I have to help do chores for a month also including mucking out stalls in the barn." Lyra laughs as she leaves the room.

I look back to EJ and Roxy who were still staring at me quizzically.

"I'm fine!" I say again before they nod.

~~~Chapter 5!!! This is coming together easier than I though!! As for now GasMask out!!~~~

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