Chapter 2

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~The picture is the way I want Jeff to look in this story! Just minus the piercings~

Lyra's POV

It was day two of training and Jeff had me outside trying out different weapons. The typical knife like he used wasn't a total fail, but I do not fight well with it. I'm just gonna use one for a back up tool.

"Okay sorry but the hatchet isn't gonna work either Lyra. Your dad is gonna be sad." Jeff laughed taking the weapon from me. I looked down at the table we had brought out here. The thing was littered with different things, but then I noticed the compact bow at the end of the table. I picked it up and loaded it with an arrow. I aimed at the dummy target and took a shot... Direct hit! I got the make shift heart sewed to the material! "Wow! Good job Lyra!" Jeff congratulated. I tried this out a few more times until I was bored.

"Well seems we have found your weapon. Now if we are just going on regular killings you can't use that. It would be impractical and bulky. When we go killing humans you will just use your knives." I nodded happily at Jeff. His hair seeming extra messy today. Jeff actually was kinda a clean freak at times, always had to be clean and groomed when just hanging around the house.

"Now let's see how you deal with a moving target!" Jeff said walking away from me a few yards and pulling two knives from his pockets as he walked. I stared surprised at his back. He wanted me to shoot at HIM!! I shakily readied my bow because I knew Jeff was fast and I need to take advantage of him not running at- oh shit here he comes!!

I took aim and let the arrow fly! Jeff nonchalantly knocked the arrow away from him, he was still running at me and getting close. I backed away and shot again, this time I caught Jeff in the right shoulder. He groaned and slowed slightly, but kept coming!! He was pretty much on top of me now! I clipped my bow to its holder on my back and drew my knives. Me and Jeff let out a cry as we started to battle up close. I swiped at Jeff's hand trying to get him to drop them, but no use.

Suddenly I saw an opening and took it. I used the knife in my right hand to stab Jeff in his upper left arm, he then dropped his knife. He gasped as he back away looking at his bleeding arm, he then gave me the scariest look ever. Jeff charged and knocked me to the ground straddling my hips and pressing his other knife to my throat. I screamed as I used my hips to throw Jeff off. We backed away from each other and stared before running back in again. Jeff slashed at my face, catching my left cheek. Then cut burned badly for a moment before settling. I swiped at Jeff's feet with my left leg, but he jumped then knocked me on the top of my head with the handle of his knife. I fell to the ground dazed until I again felt a knife at my throat. I had lost...

Jeff huffed heavily as he pulled away then sat on the ground, leaning his head back and looking to the sky. "You put up a pretty good fight." Jeff looked at the arrow still embedded in his shoulder before yanking it out with a wet ripping sound. I cringed at the sound as I sat down too to rest.

"Getting tired old man?" I asked playfully. Jeff glared at me playfully, giving me a smile. "Im immortal I'll never be old thank you!" Jeff laughed standing again. "Okay we will continue our training later. It's almost lunch time! Help me get these things back inside." I looked around finally noticing that it was daylight now. Yeah Jeff kicked my door open this morning at like five! Jeff went to grab a sword before gasping and dropping it to the ground, grabbing his right shoulder.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?!" I asked loudly. Jeff waved me away as he picked the sword up again, he said he would be fine later just needed to heal.

After we got cleaned up we joined the rest of the family in the dinning room. I could already hear Kairi and Ronnie being rambunctious and Slender trying to calm them down. I walked in the room just in time to see EJ grab Ronnie by the back of his neck tightly. EJ gave Ronnie a deep growl showing his teeth and Ronnie replied with a whimper. It was weird EJ and Ronnie communicated like animals sometimes, but I guess it's just EJ's instincts to act that way. I dunno.

"Kairi were you being annoying again?" I laughed sitting next to her at the table. "No! Ronnie started it!" Kairi yelled pointing at him. Ronnie hissed at her from across the table and Alex grinned showing those sharp teeth. "So what did you pick as your weapon Lyra?!" Martzi asked giving a bright smile. "A compact bow and knives for close combat stuff." I announced puffing my chest out. They all laughed as my dad walked over to peck my forehead. I kissed his cheek and laughed as he twitched suddenly. My dad was so relieved when I didn't develop his Tourette's syndrome or anything else as far as we know.

We ate lunch and everything went normally. Kairi still pestered Ronnie and they both got in trouble... again. They were like a whirl wind of chaos when together in the same room. They didn't hate each other they just loved to aggravate one another.

After I joined Jeff in the living room with my parents. "Okay Lyra this is your final chance to decide if you wanna be alone before I mark you. Are you sure?" Jeff asked giving me a serious stare. I gave a heavy sigh before nodding confidently. "Okay then hold out your left arm." Jeff said holding his right hand out to me. I nervously held my arm out and Jeff suddenly took hold of my arm tightly like he was trying to break it! I struggled slightly because of the pain.

"I, Jeff the Killer, here by claim you, Lyra Rogers, as my Proxy. You will serve me until I release you of my own free will or I loose my immortality." Jeff said loudly as I felt my left wrist start to burn. I cried out as Jeff let me go and looked at my wrist. A 'J' was carved into my skin with two lines coming from it to signify Jeff's name. The burning faded and the mark slowly turned to look like a tattoo. "Oh my baby is a Proxy now! She is growing up so fast!!" Mom cried giving me a vampire strength hug. Dad joined in and Jeff chuckled at the sight. I suddenly heard loud thumping before Jeff is tackled to the couch.

"Oh how I've missed my Jeffery!!!" Lilith exclaimed giving Jeff a tight squeeze. "Hi babe... how was... visiting... Zalgo?" Jeff gasped for breath. "It was good and I met up with an old friend for awhile so that was a plus!" Lilith explained happily while letting Jeff breathe again. Lilith looked at my wrist and gasped. "Oh I missed your first Proxy claiming! Sorry Jeffy..." Lilith pouted. Jeff chuckled before pecking her lips and cuddling her happily. I walked away to find the others while Jeff was distracted.

"Man Lyra you are gonna get worked to the bone or until you somehow die!" Ronnie said as I entered the game room. I shook my head in disagreement. "Nah, Jeff isn't that bad. But just imagine if I chose your dad! He would probably break me in half from the things I'd do!" I laugh sitting on the couch watching Alex and Kairi play Just Dance. "Oh hell yeah.... I'm not even a Proxy and my dad grinds me!" Ronnie groaned dramatically. Martzi laughed and pinched his arm causing him to flinch. "Well LJ isn't very strict. It may only be my second day but he is pretty cool." I nodded in agreement. Lets just see how long it takes Jeff to actually tear in to me....

~~~Chapter two!!! Hope you like!! As for now GasMask out!!~~~

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