2 • Change with the Wind

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❝ A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.❞

-Steve Maraboli

As Shoyo leaves, pulling his bike out of the rosebush and waving you goodbye, you notice the back of his jacket.

Karasuno Volleyball Club.

Karasuno High?

That's where you would've went to school if you didn't drop out. You wonder what it's like.

Shoyo gives you one last wave before climbing on his bike and speeding away. 

That was the first time you've spoken to someone besides your Grandma or the counter guy, you almost wish he would come back. 

You sigh and head back inside.

You plop down on the chair Shoyo sat on, then something next to your foot catches your eye.

He left his bag.

It's a light brown over-the-shoulder bag and you refrain from opening it. It's probably just school stuff, anyway.

How will you find him again? You can't just steal his bag; it seemed important.

Karasuno Volleyball Club.

You could go to the school and find him. It shouldn't be too hard, as he doesn't seem like a very forgettable person, with his unruly hair and short stature. 

But would anyone try to make you re-enroll? None of the teachers should know you anyways, so probably not?

You walk back to check on your grandma and ask for advice, and she's awake, which surprises you. "Who was that boy?" She smirks.

"Oh," you stutter, "he crashed his bike in front of the house. His nose was bleeding, so. . ."

"It's fine," your grandma says, "he sounded young and harmless."

You sit on the couch next to Grandma's chair. "Sorry."

"What're you apologizing for?" She chuckles, "You're going to have to talk to people someday. I know you avoid strangers as much as you can, so maybe this boy's a blessing in disguise."

"You talk as if I'm going to see him again," you sigh. 

"You talk as if you want to see him again," Grandma smirks.

"Well, he left his bag here."

"So? Return it."

"I can't leave you alone," you say, turning to face your grandma. "And I'd have to go to the school. What if something happens?"

"Yes, but what if something happens?"

You look at her quizzically. 

"Live your life, darling," she sighs, "I've trapped you here so long. I can't bear seeing you like this."

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"You're such a terrible liar; I know you're just scared. Scared of things changing."

You sit in silence. 

"Welcome change," your grandma laughs, "Instead of thinking 'what if something happens?' think 'what if something happens?'. "                                                                                                         

"Change is a beautiful thing, dear. How else would a caterpillar become a butterfly? A young bird learn to fly?"

"Okay," you say, your grandmother's words sinking in. "I'll find him."

Yesterday, a boy by the name of Shoyo crashed his bike in front of your house.

Today? You're going to Karasuno High School to find him and return his book bag.

"It'd be better to catch him after school," your grandmother said, "He's in the volleyball club, so he should have practice. Just find the gym and return it."

And now, here you are, going to a school you've never been to. An adventure it will be.

"I'll be back soon, Grandma. It won't take long. Okay?"

"Okay, Darling. Come home soon-"

She launches into another coughing fit, and once she stops you lift a cup to her lips.

"Just drink a lot of water. It'll only take a few minutes. The school isn't that far from here."

You wave at her as you leave, ignoring your gut feeling that something is going to go wrong. 

You climb on your bike and start to ride in the direction of the school, passing neighbors' houses and Sakanoshita Market. 

You feel the wind through your hair, like it's telling you to turn back, but you continue, feeling a small sense of rebellion growing. For once, you're going against the world's expectations of a shy person like you, finally changing with the wind.

It changes direction, as if pushing you on, saying keep going, good things are ahead.

And that feeling of dread is gone.

You lock your bike to a pole, then turn in the direction of the front gates.

The school ten times bigger than your house, and you can't help but feel a sense of claustrophobia as you push through the crowd or students leaving for the day. You tap a guy on the shoulder, and he turns to you. 

"Whaddya want?" He snaps, staring you down.

"Nevermind, s-sorry," you mutter, quickly walking away, heart pounding. You want to leave, to run away and hide, but Grandma would be disappointed. You remember the wind and the rebellious side of you.

You muster up more courage and this time you tap a girl who looks older than you.

"Oh?" She says, much nicer than the guy from before.

"Could you point me in the direction of the gym, please?"

"Sure," she smiles, pointing to her right. 

You thank her quietly then head that way, letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. It's going better than you expected; at least you haven't gotten lost yet. 

Ahead is a large metal building, and as you get closer you can hear shouts from inside. Volleyballs colliding with the court, and shouts and laughs come from inside.

You grasp Shoyo's bag in your hand. 

Change is a good thing, you tell yourself, change is a good thing.

You knock on the large door, repeating your grandma's words like a mantra in your head.

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