21 • The Plan

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❝Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope.❞

-Martin Luther King Jr.

You scoop up the small orange kitten, a smile spread wide across your face. 

"Henjin!" You cry, "I missed you so much! Thank you, Ukai!"

"Don't worry about it," The volleyball coach waves his hand, "Now we just have to talk to that Headmaster of yours."

"Good luck with that," you sigh, cuddling your cat, "she's stubborn as a mule."

After re-adopting Henjin from the shelter, Ukai's eased your worries. You don't know if you'll have to go back to the orphanage or not, though, and Mang is trying to reassure you.

"If this guy's plan doesn't work, we can just run away again," she tells you as you both follow Ukai, "We could go hide somwhere. Oh, I've always wanted to go to Paris!"

"I think we'll be fine. Ukai has something planned, I'm sure."

Ukai stops, turning around and smiling. "Let's do this quickly. The boys are waiting for us in the bus so we can get back to Karasuno."

"Oh, there's the truck!" Mang points.

Of course, there's a police car parked next to it, and you see the angry headmaster and the convenience store clerk. As you get closer you can hear what they're saying.

" . . . asked where Karasuno was," the cashier explains to an officer. 

"That's the town one of the brats was from," the headmaster scoffs, "must be trying to get back home."

The police officer nods, gesturing to the truck. "Was there any damage done to the vehicle that you have seen?"

"No, but they stole my gosh-darn truck!" The headmaster fumes, "And they could've killed someone! Neither of them have a license."

As they babble on, you sigh. "This isn't looking good for us, Mang."

You stop when you see Ukai start to walk towards the crowd. 

"U-Ukai!" You say, running after him. Mang trails behind you, murmuring her concerns. You hand her Henjin, mostly to make her feel better.

"Here," you smile, "hug him tight."

She nods.

"Hey!" Ukai yells, waving a hand. You clench your fist. 

This plan sure seems stupid.

You all walk over to the officer together, and Ukai pats you on the back before speaking.

"Is there a problem here, officer?" He asks, "I was just being reunited with my daughters."

The headmaster frowns. "Neither of those children have any surviving relatives that will take custody of them. They belong in the orphanage."

"No, they don't," he counters, "because I'm adopting them."

Her jaw drops. "Both of them? What are you talking about? Sir, there's papers and so much—"

"I realize that, and I'm adopting them. I've been needing some help around the store, anyways." Ukai smiles.

You look up at the man. Ukai, the owner of Sakanoshita and coach of the boys' volleyball team. Now, he's your adoptive dad?

"The process takes a long time," the headmaster argues, "this isn't allowed after what these girls have done."

The officer intercepts. "Now, now. Ma'am, I think you're overreacting here."

"Wh-What?" She mumbles, "I'm not overreacting! They stole my truck!"

"Your truck is right there. We didn't break anything," Mang says to her, clutching Henjin.

"This shouldn't be something to prevent their adoption. If this fine sir wants to adopt them, then let him."


"That," Ukai mutters to himself, "was the most paperwork I've ever done in my life. Now we even have to go to court next week to confirm it."

"I can't believe it," you mumble, "I can't believe I get to go home."

Mang hugs Ukai, squishing Henjin in too. She wipes her eyes.

"Thank you, mister."

"Don't worry about it," Ukai says, "I'm just glad they didn't find anything on my background check."

You laugh, hugging him too. "Does this mean I get to work at Sakanoshita?"

"If by work you mean you're not getting paid, then yes," he tells you, chuckling, "and you're going to school whether you like it or not."

"I'd love it." You smile.

You all walk back to Date Tech's gym, and you look up at the darkening sky. Stars splatter the night, and the soft wind ruffles your hair.

"Ah, heck," Ukai blurts. "They drove home without us."

"You're joking," you say, looking around his shoulder. Of course, the bus is gone.

But you jump when you hear a horn.

"Hey!" the assistant with glasses shouts from the bus, "We're over here!"

You run to the bus with Mang as she holds Henjin in her arms. 

"We're getting adopted!" You shout in happiness, and she laughs.

"We're going to have a home!" Mang yells.

You run around the bus in the dark, celebrating your newfound family. The volleyball boys scream shouts of encouragement and congratulations from the windows of the bus, and you can't help but feel just a little hopeful.

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