14 • Unexpected Help

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❝We don't have to know what tomorrow holds! That's why we have to live for everything we're worth today!❞

—Natsu Dragneel


"I'll give you your jacket back at the end of the day." You tell Shoyo, smiling at him. He gives you a thumbs up.

"It's fine," he tells you, "let's just hope we're not caught."

"Caught," a voice says, "doing what?"

It's Mr. Nakamura, with his arms crossed, staring down at you.

"I sure hope my newest student isn't causing any trouble." The math teacher taps his toe, reaching out a hand. "What's in the backpack?"

You glance at Shoyo, eyes wide. What are you supposed to say? You brought a cat  to school?

"School supplies," Shoyo chirps, "I said I hope we're not caught trading school supplies. My parents would kill me if they found out I didn't like those colors. Orange suits me more, don't you think?"

The liar pulls out an orange notebook, showing it to the math teacher. "I gave her my purple one in exchange."

You make no move towards your backpack, because your notebook is black, not purple. Mr. Nakamura doesn't look convinced despite Shoyo's act.

"Give me the bag," he tells you, holding out a hand.

You sigh in defeat, picking up your backpack and handing it to the teacher. It's already unzipped, and he peers inside at Shoyo's jacket.


Didn't you zip up the bag more than that?

You shake your head, focusing on Mr. Nakamura's expression. When he finds Henjin, you're sure you'll be thrown out, and Rat-Face will not  be happy. 

But instead of anger or surprise, the math teacher's face has one of annoyance. 

"Don't waste my time on silly games," Mr. Nakamura says, setting your bag back down, "next time don't act so secretive."

You blink as he walks away, and you look at Shoyo, who's equally confused. You grab your bag, fully expecting Henjin to pop his head out.

"It's empty," you tell Shoyo, showing him inside the bag. His eyes widen.

You both look around the room, searching for the kitten. 

He must've climbed out when Mr. Nakamura came over.

It's like the world goes in slow motion as you search the room, casually getting up to pretend to sharpen your pencil. Still, you don't see any sign of Henjin. 

Your heart pounds and your palms get sweaty.

What if you can't find him? What if he gets caught? Taken away, even?

You feel a hand on your shoulder, and an energetic voice reassures you.

"It's okay!" Shoyo says, sensing your distress, "We'll find him!"

You take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. A voice intrudes your calm, though, and you jump at the sound of your teacher.

"Everyone sit in your seats," Mr. Nakamura says, clapping his hands, "it's time for class."

You sulk back to your seat, eyes darting around the room for your kitten. 

The class ticks by, but you don't hear a word.

"Henjin!" You say quietly, calling your kitten, "Henjin!"

Shoyo calls beside you, making kissy noises and smacking his lips together. Honestly, he just sounds stupid.

"What are you doing?" A voice says. You turn around and see a tall bond boy, with a freckled one standing next to him.

It's lunchtime, and you're outside looking for Henjin. Shoyo's been helping, but you still haven't found him, and you're starting to get stressed.

"Hinata, you sound so stupid," the tall boy chuckles, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. Shoyo's ears turn red.

"I'm helping, so shut your big dumb mouth!"

Only then does the boy seem to notice you, tilting his head and lifting a brow. The freckled boy peers at you from behind the taller one. "What's going on?"

You blush at the sudden eye contact, and you're not sure you should tell him. You glance at Shoyo, and he hesitantly nods. "We could use some help."

"I-I lost my kitten," you stutter, "his name is Henjin, and he climbed in my backpack without me realizing it."

The freckled boy steps out from behind his friend. "Weirdo?"

You blush in embarrassment when he mentions the kitten's name. "Yes, he's a weirdo. I've never even heard him meow."

"We'll help you find him!" The boy says, giving you a thumbs-up.

"Yamaguchi, we have to go to class—"

"Gomen, Tsukki, but they need help," the boy—Yamaguchi—says, "what if the kitten gets hurt?"

The blond one, Tsukki, sighs, but nods. "Fine."

"The kitten is about this big,"—you hold out your hands—"and he's all orange, which means he should be easy to spot."

"Okay everyone!" Shoyo says enthusiastically, "Let's split up!"

Tsukki rolls his eyes, but walks off in search of Henjin. Yamaguchi heads left, and you follow Shoyo to the bushes.

"Remember," you tell him, "he doesn't really meow, so you have to look carefully."

After a few minutes of sifting through bushes, Yamaguchi's voice rings through the air. 

"Uhm," he says, waving to you, "I think I found him."

You walk over, a weight lifting from your shoulders. Shoyo follows as you thank the boy.

"Thank you!"

"Well," he stutters, pointing upward, "I can't do much from here."

You look to where he's pointing . . . 

. . . and there's Henjin, in the branches of a really tall tree.

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