15 • Weirdo

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❝I'll leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me.❞



"Oh no!" You cry, pointing at your kitten at the top of the tree, "What do we do?"

"Sh-Should we get a teacher?" Yamaguchi suggests, tilting his head. 

"I don't know," you reply, "I don't want to get in trouble for bringing my cat to school . . . "

Yamaguchi turns to his blond friend, eyes alight. "Tsukki! You're tall, can you grab him?"

"That's not how this works," Tsukki tsks, "but—"

"I can get him!" Pipes Shoyo, pumping his fist.

You glance at Tsukki, who shrugs. "You can try," the blond boy tells the orange-haired one, pushing up his glasses, "but I doubt even you can jump that high."

Shoyo frowns at him, shooting his a glare. 

And he jumps, reaching for your kitten, outstretching his arms as far as they can go.

And he falls on his butt.

Tsukki facepalms while you rush over to help Shoyo up. 

"Awe, dangit," he mutters, pouting, "I couldn't get him. What now?"

You smile at him. "It's fine, Sho. We can try something else."

"Hmph. Okay."

"As I was saying," Tsukki sighs, "someone could climb on my shoulders and get him."

"But who?" Yamaguchi asks.

Everyone looks at each other, and you glance at the boys. Tsukki mutters something under his breath, shaking his head, then turning to Shoyo. "You're the smallest."

Shoyo looks offended, his mouth agape. "Nuh uh! I am not climbing on top of you!"

"Fine," Tsukki lifts his brows, "then she can."

You blush as he turns to you, grinning, and Shoyo grumbles. 

"Uh," you say, "I guess I could. As long as Henjin is safe . . . "

Shoyo slides between you, squinting at Tsukki, and holding his arms out.

"Wait a minute!" He scowls, "I can try again!"

"I don't want you to hurt yourself again, Shoyo. Tsukki could actually reach-"

Shoyo's brows crease, his scowl turning down into a slight frown. "Okay," he mumbles, looking down and backing up.

Yamaguchi suddenly points, his voice laced in surprise. "Look! He's climbing down on his own!"

And of course, here comes Henjin, little orange fur and all. He claws himself down the trunk of the tree, completely silent.

You run up and grab him, hugging him to your chest. "My little weirdo."

He jumps out of your arms, and starts to circle Shoyo. And then he does something he's never done before.

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