The academy - Part V°

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The wind had calmed down and got slightly warmer than before.
The houses below her were really small and pretty, all with red roofs and light brick exterior walls.
Each house had its own enclosed garden and to her surprise Irene noticed that there were no cars on the streets, only people on bicycles, on foot or on some animals.

SHe tried to sharpen her eyes to see better, unfortunately she could not recognize which species it was, but almost certainly they were not horses.

"Welcome to the Crimson Feather Academy!" Luka smiled at her, pointing to the huge building in front of them.Irene looked up and gasped.It was a castle with an ancient plan and also all the various structures at its side, had something mystical and particular.
The material with which the academy building had been built, when illuminated by sunlight, gave a fiery red hue to the terra cotta brick, as if a flame was blazing within that reddish paint.

Around that mystical castle was an immense forest, with trees with dark green foliage.

A few climbing plants had twisted around the entire structure, reaching even the upper floors.

Irene noticed that next to some stained glass windows on the upper floors, there were several statues of mythological animals, such as dragons, unicorns and griffins.

At the top, just above the central tower, was a phoenix with outstretched wings holding the school flag in its paws.

The banner, with a black background, marked a stylized flame and two hands holding it underneath.

Once they landed, Irene was immediately taken to the principal's office, where she was assigned the various school uniforms and room number twenty-two of the women's dormitory.

"Shouldn't I take the entrance exams before I get these things?" Irene asked not understanding.

"Yes, but the responsible teacher is not available at the moment, so the tests will be postponed to tonight" the woman nodded.
The principal of this school was really beautiful, she almost looked like a model.
The slim and slender body, but at the same time strong and good looking.

Her bare shoulders due to the tight black dress she was wearing were fringed with wavy, wild-looking ash blonde hair.

Her frozen eyes, long-browed and surrounded by pencil and black mascara, were watching her carefully, almost judging and contemplating her every gesture and movement.
"If I haven't been admitted yet, why have you already given me the uniforms and all?" the girl asked a little uncomfortably.

"The exam only serves to understand your potential and to go beyond it.
So my dear Irene Zicola, how far will you go?
How important is it for you to learn magic? "
The woman asked as she stood up from the reddish leather chair and leaning towards her, thus causing her a great agitation.

Irene swallowed, she felt judged by her and this made her uncomfortable.
"Okay, sorry for the various questions" the girl murmured anxiously.

"Now I ask you to get out of my office and wait in the waiting room, until your coordinator shows up," the headmaster spoke as she sat back elegantly.

Irene bowed her head and as ordered out of the office, then sat down to wait on one of the orange plastic chairs in the corridor.
After a while, taken by boredom, she decided to take a walk.Anyway, the teacher in charge, if he hadn't seen each other up to that moment, surely wouldn't have arrived at the precise moment when she left to stretch her legs, right?
So with serenity he decided to venture through the various rooms of the floor.
Not that there was much to observe, but at least she was doing something other than sitting and waiting.
The floor was made of red carpet, while the walls were decorated with a gilded fret and full of elegant rows.
Luckily, in her walk Irene managed to find a French window, from where it was possible to go out onto the marble terrace and observe the beautiful sight.
The girl was fascinated by that perfect city.
It had all happened so quickly that it seemed almost impossible for her to realize that she had landed in Japan or that school.
It was as if his brain had a hard time categorizing that situation into reality, however beautiful and mysterious.

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