The academy - Part II°

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After saying goodbye to the boys, Irene headed home to kidnap her brother and ask him for help.

"Why are you so thoughtful and of few words?" Diego asked.
"I just shoved you and stole the last ice cream we had in the house, but you didn't move a single muscle!I worry so. "

"The fact is that I received a letter from a school I had applied to, but it's far from here and I'm afraid that mom and dad won't let me go there ..." Irene mumbled trying to sound the saddest possible, even though she was acting in a way she felt exactly that way, if her parents said no what could she do?
Run away from home?
No out of the question, knowing her parents would have panicked and mobilized any research center to find her.

"What school is it?" his brother asked surprised, in fact anyone would have been surprised by this news, calculating that Irene was famous for her demerit notes and low grades.

"A scientific agricultural school and precisely because I am a landslide in all subjects I want to go to this school.
In short, I think she is the only one who has seen something in me besides the grades, and I would really like to attend her and commit myself, but how do I convince mom and dad? " She asked worriedly.

Diego seemed to think about it for a few moments.
"First of all I suggest you make them understand that you intend to tell them something important, so as to better prepare them for the speech that will come later.For example by preparing a dinner with all the trimmings. "

"Are you serious?
The last time they tasted my dishes, Dad came out with salmonella "she pointed out, starting to think about the miraculous day in which he served her customers her pasta.
Lucky no one had ended up in the hospital!

"... Ok, I'll take care of the food, but in any case it is enough to make them understand that you did it for them, after which maybe we can uncork a bottle of wine and ask them" Diego proposed.

"So we take them for gluttony and alcohol?" she asked for confirmation.

"We don't have to get them drunk, but yes, in a way" he nodded.
"The important thing is to make them relax and show them that you can do things on your own anyway."

"Even if it's the truth, I can't do anything by myself!
Not even cooking a plate of pasta"she snorted.

"Yet it seems to me that the day my mom and dad came to pick me up, you thought of the farm by yourself.
Look, it's not a trivial matter, "he pointed out.

Irene sighed.
"Okay, then let's start right away, so when they arrive it's all ready."
A little more convinced of the plan, Irene went to her room and rushed to the shelf above her desk, where her mother had long ago put several books that did not fit in the rest of the house and, among all these they were some of the kitchen.
She started to grab the chair and get on it, but she felt herself being pushed and a voice caught her off guard.

"Be careful so you crush me!"Irene jumped back and only a moment late recognized the voice.

What the hell are you doing here? "

"I came to make sure everything runs smoothly," he replied by clicking the stealth device and returning to view.

"Maybe warn first!" she glared at him.
"And while you're at it, get me those books," she pointed to the shelf with his hand.

"You're really short," he commented, reaching out to grab the cookbooks.

"Sorry, but if I'm magical why can't I see you now?" Irene asked.
"No, take the one on the left, the one with the bookmark" he added then gesturing to the boy to grab another book.

"I don't think you're fully awake yet, that's why you have ups and downs," he spoke.
"I heard your plan and it's not bad, but then remember the letter ...You took it, didn't you? "he asked immediately after, as soon as she handed him the recipe books.

The girl took the books and stood motionless for a moment, but then nodded.
"Yeah, I left it down on the sofa."

Go, don't keep your brother waiting. "Irene nodded again and went downstairs.
The evening came earlier than expected and the two brothers had hurriedly done their last chores, but the dinner had turned out very well.
They had embellished the table with some wild flowers that Irene had gone out to pick and, the soft light with candles and the scent of incense to the roses, gave a real touch of class.

"Are you sure it's good for an atmosphere?
I want to tell him about the school, not about going on a honeymoon, "Irene asked.

"But yeah, that's just fine," her brother patted her on the shoulder.
They both fell silent as soon as they heard noises outside on the porch.

"Why this gallant atmosphere?" her mother asked as soon as she stepped inside the house, took off her shoes, and placed the keys on the wicker glove box on the cabinet at the entrance.

"What have you done?" the father asked instead, looking around suspiciously.

"Why do you always think I made a mess?
I just thought or that a romantic evening wouldn't hurt you "her daughter crossed her arms.

"What a nice gesture, you're so pretty," her mother hugged her before sitting up.
"What have you prepared for us?"

"Wait, you didn't cook, did you ?!" the father looked at her worriedly.

"No, Diego did it," she reassured him.

"Ah, then it will be a phenomenal dinner!" the man laughed happily.

Irene had a slight tik in her right eye, she hated when her father started laughing for no reason like a madman, it reminded her of those actors who had to laugh only for the script.

"Canapes, many flavors plus one, mixed fruits taken from the bushes behind the house, a nice prosecco, strawberry risotto and a nice stuffed roast" Irene listed.

"And the dessert nothing?" asked the father, thus getting a pat on the arm by his wife.
"Do you want dessert too?
Be thankful for dinner! "

"Don't worry, there is also dessert.
Tiramisu "Irene replied, while Diego began to bring the various canapés to the table.

At each course the parents seemed to like more and more and with great joy and pride Irene was able to say, without doubt, that the dinner had gone really well and now, that they had just finished, both the mother and the father, had a serene air. and relaxed.

Well, it was time to give him the ninety load.

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