•Before You Read•

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Important Background:

As I mentioned, this book was written with the intention that it could be read separately from Guns And Roses, so if you're new to this series, have no fear because you should be fine to read.

That being said, there will be some major spoilers for Guns And Roses, so read with the knowledge that this book will explain the events of its previous book.

Now the timeline of this book is, of course, a prequel, meaning it will take place before the events of Guns And Roses. It will also feature about 99% original characters as our main protagonist has not yet met the students of UA or many pro heros. The characters in this book will be her family, childhood friends, and anyone else she met before UA who are all my original characters unless said otherwise.

Later in the book there will be the introduction of a school called Hīrōzu Academy, which is not the creation of myself nor the BNHA universe. It is the work of the amazing @-AngelMaria-  who gave me permission to feature her school in this book. I give a huge thank you to her, and if you like the school as well as her original characters in it, then I highly recommend checking out her profile and works; I promise you won't be sorry!

Trigger warnings:
This book will include some heavy fight scenes (both physical and emotional); swearing (I'll try to keep it to a minimum, but sometimes I get in the headspace of the character and write how I think they feel); the mention of alcohol abuse (this will not be until much later and it won't be a lot, but I will give warning before hand); and a few more small or scary scenes that I will give warning beforehand so no one is caught off guard.

The last trigger warning I was to give is that this book has heavy depictions of racism.

And I will like to make one thing very clear: Scenes in this story may come off as intense or scary, but it is what most POC face in their lifetimes. Similarities between this story and history are intentional. I used personal experiences from myself or my friends or family of color to write an accurate story on the life of a person of color.

If you are sensitive to this subject or the brief mention of police brutality, I promise that nothing is graphic or horribly intense as there are no depictions of violence, just the implying of such; however, I would never suggest someone with a sensitivity to this subject tough it out and read anyway. I will give trigger warnings beforehand, but the subject will play a big role in the beginning of this book. Not because I want to be edgy, or trendy, or whatever, but because it's exactly what most POC face in their life. It's as accurate as possible.

The main family of this story is Cuban, and though I myself and not specifically Cuban, I wrote it as accurate as possible with the cultural relations to my own and from personal research. The same goes to the South African family featured in this story.

I do not at all want to hear anyone say anything rude or judgemental about anyone of color, LGBTQIA+, disabled, or suffering from mental illness in this book. I don't want to hear anyone invalidate the experiences of the POC characters or events. There is no reason to. No one is hurting anyone here, and I would prefer to keep it that way. This should be a safe place.

This is a friendly reminder to never invalidate a POC's experiences with racism/discrimination. Please be kind to everyone, and try to understand the perspectives of people around you. By doing that, we can all have a better understanding of how our colored brothers and sisters live.

Thank you for reading Blooming Roses. Like, seriously, thank you! You have no idea how happy it made me to see the views on my last book grow, and this book is no different. So thank you so much to everyone who made this possible (that includes everyone who just happened to click on this story).

I truly hope you enjoy the story and as always, if you like it please leave a vote or comment to make my day. Have a great read, and without further delay I give you the first chapter of the Bionic Bloom Series prequel, Blooming Roses ~

Blooming Roses // BNHA × OC // Where stories live. Discover now